Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_ixdt4av wrote
Reply to comment by KaiDaiz in Won Greenlights 3,200-Unit Astoria Development, Paving Way for Council Approval by space_______kat
The same exact thing happened with the Hudson Yards development. There was supposed to be “affordable housing” units set aside and that hasn’t materialized at all. At this rate it probably won’t.
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_ixdq8g1 wrote
Reply to comment by KaiDaiz in Won Greenlights 3,200-Unit Astoria Development, Paving Way for Council Approval by space_______kat
Of course it is. Smh.
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_ixb5yvc wrote
Reply to Won Greenlights 3,200-Unit Astoria Development, Paving Way for Council Approval by space_______kat
“Won said Thursday that she’s notched some concessions: 1,436 affordable units, double the 711 initially proposed; 500 units at 30% of the area median income; 157 apartments for homeless New Yorkers; and a $2 million fund to protect tenants from displacement and harassment.”
If this is indeed true then amazing job by this councilwoman. Devil is in the details though.
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_ivxlq82 wrote
Reply to Andrew Cuomo says Zeldin coming within 5 points of victory ‘a real wake-up call’ by PichuLovy
Cuomo was a terrible governor for the state. And I’m very happy Zeldin wasn’t given the opportunity to make things worse, but having the result of Cuomo’s corrupt governorship being an impartial gerrymander is a good thing.
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_iuywz75 wrote
Reply to comment by Groundbreaking_Tank2 in Mayor throws support behind Innovation QNS as potential rejection looms by Groundbreaking_Tank2
Sadly, I read your sorry posts🤮
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_iuyv7od wrote
Reply to comment by hannibalbaracka in Mayor throws support behind Innovation QNS as potential rejection looms by Groundbreaking_Tank2
Show me where this so called research roundup shows data from the rising rent of western Queens where there are thousands of new units built since ‘01.
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_iuyuuqd wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Mayor throws support behind Innovation QNS as potential rejection looms by Groundbreaking_Tank2
LMAO! What facts??? There are thousands of new units built in western queens and the rents have skyrocketed because of them. None of this so called data shows what’s going on there. Keep your developer talking points, don’t need them.
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_iuysvp5 wrote
Reply to comment by Groundbreaking_Tank2 in Mayor throws support behind Innovation QNS as potential rejection looms by Groundbreaking_Tank2
LOL! I can’t stop laughing at this so called “data” which is really just corporate talking points behind paywalled websites. You are unintentionally hilarious!!!
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_iuyrl15 wrote
Reply to comment by hannibalbaracka in Mayor throws support behind Innovation QNS as potential rejection looms by Groundbreaking_Tank2
Who’s this “more coming to the area”? The city population has dropped the past two plus years.
There’s already displacement BECAUSE of these units. Rents are rising artificially through these developments. This UCLA “study” is conveniently ignoring that fact.
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_iuyr6tn wrote
Reply to comment by Groundbreaking_Tank2 in Mayor throws support behind Innovation QNS as potential rejection looms by Groundbreaking_Tank2
When you inject more units with a high avg monthly rent, rent in the neighborhood will go up.
No matter how much mental gymnastics you try, you will never get around that fact. Stop being a greedy developer.
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_iuyptg6 wrote
Reply to comment by Groundbreaking_Tank2 in Mayor throws support behind Innovation QNS as potential rejection looms by Groundbreaking_Tank2
Looks like you don’t know the facts!
“The Innovation QNS developers won over some former opponents, including Borough President Richards, by increasing the projects’ share of affordable housing units from the mandatory 25% to 40% through prospective city subsidies.”
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_iuyou3k wrote
Reply to comment by Groundbreaking_Tank2 in Mayor throws support behind Innovation QNS as potential rejection looms by Groundbreaking_Tank2
Astorians are seeing massive rent increases because of the major influx of luxury apartment complexes that were built or being built.
These new complexes raise the avg monthly rent of the neighborhood. And when new tenants come along landlords will ask for market rent which was artificially inflated by the new developments.
There’s no guarantee that this development will even create 40% affordable housing.
The only way to help renters is through building AFFORDABLE housing not majority luxury housing that’ll increase the rents of a neighborhood.
The supply side lies about new units lowering rents is so absolutely hilarious!
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_iuyn7gr wrote
Reply to comment by KaiDaiz in Mayor throws support behind Innovation QNS as potential rejection looms by Groundbreaking_Tank2
Let that gentrification take place on it’s own w/o city subsidies & tax breaks. The development can be funded by private financiers and or banks.
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_iuymtb5 wrote
Reply to comment by Groundbreaking_Tank2 in Mayor throws support behind Innovation QNS as potential rejection looms by Groundbreaking_Tank2
It’ll hurt the renters of Astoria who when their lease is up will see the average monthly rent will go up with a development that has 60% of it’s units guaranteed to be listed way above the $2.5k avg monthly rent currently paid by Astorians.
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_iuyjq1v wrote
Reply to comment by hannibalbaracka in Mayor throws support behind Innovation QNS as potential rejection looms by Groundbreaking_Tank2
“If we don’t build more affordable housing” fixed it for you!
Building more luxury housing with an inevitably high avg monthly rent will actually cause the displacement of the area.
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_iuyiiwi wrote
Reply to comment by koreamax in Mayor throws support behind Innovation QNS as potential rejection looms by Groundbreaking_Tank2
Was referring to the second part of that particular post. It didn’t make sense.
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_iuygsuy wrote
Reply to comment by Lower-Bad-4388 in Mayor throws support behind Innovation QNS as potential rejection looms by Groundbreaking_Tank2
So to prevent gentrification we have to gentrify? Got it.
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_iu99nh5 wrote
Reply to The Vessel is a top-tier shitpost. by [deleted]
That whole area, highlighted by the Vessel is an eyesore. Avoid it as much as possible. Bloomberg administration, that City Hall during the late 00’s & Stephen Ross are all clowns.
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_isui1sx wrote
Reply to 3-K is getting the bulk of NYC’s school stimulus funding. But Adams might curb its expansion. by MissCherryPi
Adams is one of the city’s worst mayors in my lifetime. Which in retrospect isn’t saying a lot.
Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_ixdtpsm wrote
Reply to comment by PM-Nice-Thoughts in After ‘exhaustive negotiations,’ Won supports $2 billion Innovation QNS project in Astoria by 09-24-11
More housing at higher monthly rents raising the market rents for the area. Supply siders are so disingenuous it’s sad.