Heckledeckledorkle t1_itvo9rl wrote
Reply to comment by pm_me_reason_to_livx in Greg Berlanti’s ‘Green Lantern’ HBO Max Series Being Redeveloped, Loses Writer by MarvelsGrantMan136
It’s a… comic book… character…
Heckledeckledorkle t1_itvns9t wrote
Reply to comment by tetoffens in Greg Berlanti’s ‘Green Lantern’ HBO Max Series Being Redeveloped, Loses Writer by MarvelsGrantMan136
Which still is only a few hundred thousand people. Comics are best selling with respect to other comics, not with the general audience.
People know Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman because they’ve had several beloved live action adaptions. Same with the flash. Green Lantern has one bad movie so far.
Heckledeckledorkle t1_itvojwb wrote
Reply to comment by pm_me_reason_to_livx in Greg Berlanti’s ‘Green Lantern’ HBO Max Series Being Redeveloped, Loses Writer by MarvelsGrantMan136
So the only films and shows that should be made are ones that the public specifically asks for?
So we shouldn’t have breaking bad, The original Star Wars, iron man, the original Adam West Batman, Batman 89, etc.