Hefty_Musician2402 t1_j1smz1b wrote
Hey man fellow taco owner here! There’s a fb group/YouTube channel called Adventure Maine about trail riding. Might also wanna join the Stuck in Maine fb group (it’s dedicated to helping stranded or stuck people, usually off road. Lot of the guys have winches and off road rigs and stuff)
Hefty_Musician2402 t1_j1miyqh wrote
Reply to comment by baxterstate in Fire destroys historic Maine home that was former residence of author Laura E. Richards, who was the first person to win a Pulitzer Prize for biography. by Swami2679
They’re thinking it’s a generator fire. Power was out at the time
Hefty_Musician2402 t1_ixsfljc wrote
Reply to comment by SnooCats7847 in Whole Foods to pause sales of Maine lobster by bostondotcom
I was glad to see Jared golden voting record. I’m a rare blue collar liberal (less rare in Maine I suppose) and I was torn bc the lobstermen all seemed to say liberals are the enemy of lobstering. I noted that Golden and Pingree both voted against the environmentalists trying to infringe on fishing rights. I have to say I would’ve had to vote blue anyways for my own well-being (mom works alongside abortion doctors and I’m a racial minority) but it took the sting away knowing I ain’t hurting the lobstermen as bad as they make it out to be
Hefty_Musician2402 t1_ixke951 wrote
Sure would be sweet to get a 1 bed under $1400-1600 but that won’t happen
Hefty_Musician2402 t1_iwwyafa wrote
Reply to comment by Wazula42 in As measles outbreak sickens dozens of children in Ohio, local health officials seek help from CDC | CNN by Surly_Cynic
Might wanna add a /s in case the anti vaxxers try to use your sarcastic anecdote as part of their “rEsEaRcH”
Hefty_Musician2402 t1_iwb4uhq wrote
I have bought them for Yankee Swap games at Christmas parties!
Hefty_Musician2402 t1_iwb48l7 wrote
Reply to comment by ElderberrySingle2833 in Moving Soon from Alabama any advice? by ElderberrySingle2833
Also slow down for turns. If it’s slick out, you might turn your wheel to make a 90 degree right-hand turn onto a side road, only to find that you’re only making a 45 degree turn because your wheels aren’t gripping and you have inertia moving straight. This can lead to you accidentally cross into the oncoming lane.
Be careful at stop signs as the snowbanks will block your view. You may need to stop, then creep slowly forward until you can see if you’re clear to go.
Hefty_Musician2402 t1_iwb40x9 wrote
Reply to comment by ElderberrySingle2833 in Moving Soon from Alabama any advice? by ElderberrySingle2833
Well for starters, Huntsville has over 3x the population of our biggest city lol
Hefty_Musician2402 t1_iwb3y8p wrote
Reply to comment by ElderberrySingle2833 in Moving Soon from Alabama any advice? by ElderberrySingle2833
Also find an empty parking lot with someone who knows how to drive in snow and let them teach you. At the very least, get a feel for how your car feels and handles in a slide. Also be aware that slush or snow outside the path worn down by other ppl driving will pull your car left or right into the tire tracks depending on speed
Hefty_Musician2402 t1_ito8kyy wrote
Reply to comment by busback in Republicans lying again... go figure by captd3adpool
Nah. I’m pro vax but seeing as they aren’t as effective at reducing actual spread, I don’t see a reason to make people get the vax. It might save their own ass but hey who am I to judge?
Hefty_Musician2402 t1_itk7lfx wrote
Reply to comment by busback in Republicans lying again... go figure by captd3adpool
I care about peoples’ political beliefs when they start taking away my rights. Your liberty to swing your fist ends where my nose begins. Fuck outta here.
Hefty_Musician2402 t1_it0r10u wrote
Reply to comment by space_ranger1997 in Hey LLBean Why Does Your Gear Always Do This Freeport to Mass to Me Dance? by arclight222
Aye wassup I’m an M01 order picker and receiving at Beans. You work in the Freeport location?
Edit: ARIEL WHATS UP?! I’m in the smokers lot across the street
Hefty_Musician2402 t1_irtkavk wrote
Reply to comment by I_can_eat_15_acorns in Which one of you is it? by NamkrowTheRed
I know him too I think
Hefty_Musician2402 t1_irlvc3b wrote
Reply to comment by JayhawkInMaine in Appreciation post: Mainers can teach the South a lot about hospitality! by JayhawkInMaine
My puppy is from Georgia! She was a rescue they sent to the shelters up here from there when there was a disaster I think
Hefty_Musician2402 t1_irlv73w wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Appreciation post: Mainers can teach the South a lot about hospitality! by JayhawkInMaine
I get startled by cars in the oncoming lanes sometimes when I’m not expecting them lmao
Hefty_Musician2402 t1_irlv5v8 wrote
Reply to comment by Jizzbootsturdhat in Appreciation post: Mainers can teach the South a lot about hospitality! by JayhawkInMaine
And Mainers.
Hefty_Musician2402 t1_j2c1et3 wrote
Reply to comment by TraditionalPiccolo28 in Feel safe by Kazbob48
Hell yeah guy