HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j3o9mnx wrote
Reply to comment by Ashamed-Asparagus-93 in What will humanity do when everything is, well, eventually discovered by ASI? by Cool-Particular-4159
Rogues and Locks were kinda broken though.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j3kmw2e wrote
Reply to What will humanity do when everything is, well, eventually discovered by ASI? by Cool-Particular-4159
I’m merging with it.
Your premise kind of just assumes Humans stay Vanilla permanently.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j2mdnfs wrote
Reply to How long until we can edit our brains and get rid of troublesome mental habits at the source? by Current_Side_4024
Not until we get BCIs that can write.
Damn, a lot of threads have been getting deleted in this subreddit recently.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j2en3ha wrote
AGI this decade.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j2eafk0 wrote
Reply to comment by troll_khan in GPT-3 scores better than humans on Raven’s Progressive Matrices in a display of emergent analogical reasoning by visarga
I’m really interested to see how many parameters it winds up having.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j2eadbs wrote
Reply to comment by DungeonsAndDradis in GPT-3 scores better than humans on Raven’s Progressive Matrices in a display of emergent analogical reasoning by visarga
What a time to be alive!
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j2ea63s wrote
Reply to comment by nickmaran in "Meet the Neuralink Cofounder Who Left and Started a Competitor That's Now Rapidly Catching Up" by ThePlanckDiver
I have tinnitus, same here.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j2cgtjj wrote
Reply to Plan For the Singularity by tedd321
Get Nanotechnologically Augmented+Merge with AGI ASAP.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j22zh43 wrote
Reply to comment by AvgAIbot in Vulture: Soon You’ll Be Able to Make Your Own Movie With AI by EnomLee
2-5. *puts on sunglasses*
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j22a86t wrote
Reply to How many users in this sub are AI? by existentialzebra
Fuck he’s on to us!
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j22113s wrote
Ubiquitous FIVR is going to require Nanotechnology IMO, both for your brain and for the nanobots to look after your body while you’re in FIVR.
By the time FIVR does get here we will have total control over our psychiatric state.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j1z4usx wrote
Reply to comment by thetwitchy1 in AI art is the ‘machine made fabric’ of tomorrow. by thetwitchy1
Right, which is also a great reason to combine the Human with the Tech, this will be more profound when content generation is out of it’s infancy of relying on prompts. I’m a massive proponent of Brain Computer Interfaces to conjoin man and machine, this way you’ll be able to create what you want just by thinking about it, this kind of thing has already been demonstrated in a lab with crude BCIs, so proof of principle is there, Transhumanism+Posthumanism is the meta move. No need to remove the Human, have the best of both.
As for your second point, see above. Our tools are extensions of ourselves. Human beings evolved for tool manipulation, it is in every single way apart of us.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j1yxrjr wrote
Reply to comment by thetwitchy1 in AI art is the ‘machine made fabric’ of tomorrow. by thetwitchy1
The human brain learns and produces original content in the exact same fashion via reference, you do it from the moment you step out of your mother’s womb, this is exactly how infants learn everything, through repetition of reference. Neural Networks just require a lot more examples until they understand the concept of what it is they’re looking at (adult humans have one shot learning when it comes it understanding a concept). But one shot learning will be solved soon enough.
Diffusion models don’t take existing art and put new ones together, it only manages to make an image of a raccoon playing a guitar while on a chair under a window at night in the style of deco until it understands what a raccoon, guitar, a chair, the concept of the raccoon sitting, night time and deco are by looking at all of those things and understanding what they are, and then put those different concepts together in the manner requested via prompt.
This is, note for note, how the Human brain learns and trains. Looking at other references in the world around you to learn what something is isn’t recycling the same content, everything Diffusion Models produce is original content.
Everything humanity has produced is plagiarism though, that’s true.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j1yg0u2 wrote
The people saying it’ll never be as good as a human are cute. They have no idea what Dalle was making last year, it looked like total garbage. Now it’s rivalling human made art.
They’re right, it won’t be as good as human made art, it’ll be even better. Transhumanism is the way forward to higher states of self awareness, we will become even more human.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j1t28sr wrote
Reply to Will the singularity require political revolution to be of maximum benefit? If so, what ideas need to change? by OldWorldRevival
Abundance will lead to Zero Marginal Cost. Zero Marginal Cost will make Capitalism superfluous
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j1eufxy wrote
Reply to comment by OldWorldRevival in Ethical AI tools will only hasten the singularity, not slow it down. by OldWorldRevival
That’s not the same thing, that’s a paid subscription model. Social Media websites make money by getting rights to share your data, and in return you get to use their platform for free. Every time you see an advertisement or promotion it’s because Twitter/Facebook/Reddit sold your data off to Advertisers.
You don’t know how these companies work. They couldn’t pay to host the servers to keep the datacenters running if they couldn’t republish data for profit. It’s an integral part of the business.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j1et14v wrote
Reply to comment by OldWorldRevival in Ethical AI tools will only hasten the singularity, not slow it down. by OldWorldRevival
They’ve been selling your data since the late 90s. And while you could argue they’re using your data without permission (it kind of is, I agree) it doesn’t change the fact you agreed to let them do it. The business couldn’t function if they couldn’t do that, so they host your content, but they get rights to share it with who they want.
Eric Snowden has been saying this for years but nobody ever listened, it’s just that now massive datasets are being use to train neural networks everyone’s freaking out about it, this is nothing new.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j1ein3s wrote
Reply to comment by calbhollo in Ethical AI tools will only hasten the singularity, not slow it down. by OldWorldRevival
It’s not hurting progress at all though, also the people working on these programs(OpenAI/Stability)know they are protected through the legal system, they got their datasets from websites who have the rights to republish users data because their users signed a terms of service permitting that these social sites could share their data in exchange for profit, this is how social media websites have always made money and it’s also the reason why you can use them for “free”. The cases are going to fall apart the very moment the TOS are pulled out. These people agreed to do the very thing they are now protesting, the issue is they don’t understand how social media works, nor did they bother to read the terms of service.
It’s not going to hold up in court, social media websites have been selling their users data legally for 25 years now. If they couldn’t do that we wouldn’t have any social media at all…
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j17g6h6 wrote
I will add that Samantha was definitely an AGI, she adapted and learned different tasks constantly.
I think our AI assistants will become our best friends.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j14x7v6 wrote
We're in the beginning stages of the AI revolution that's for sure.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j0soutw wrote
Reply to Will agi immediately lead to singularity? by 96suluman
No, but it means the Singularity isn’t far off.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j0mne86 wrote
Reply to comment by glaster in Generative AI is changing everything. But what’s left when the hype is gone? by nick7566
Yep, the struggle to survive will be gone. Based 😎
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j0mfvnq wrote
Reply to comment by PrivateLudo in Generative AI is changing everything. But what’s left when the hype is gone? by nick7566
Capital/Net Worth inequality is different than the amount of actual produce available though. We have more than enough food to feed everyone and enough homes to house everyone, it’s just not distributed fairly.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j0jmth3 wrote
A world with less scarcity 😎
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j3opxnr wrote
Reply to "Community" Prediction for General A.I continues to drop. by 420BigDawg_
The consensus is the same outside this sub too, albeit not as soon, many experts are moving their timelines to the 2030s.