
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j8970vf wrote

Honestly, I wouldn’t go out of your way, and I don’t wanna sound selfish when I say that, I say this because humans have naturally been resistant to change down through history, and yet the reactionary sentiments always go away with a little time. You’re better off just looking after yourself and those close to you in life until things take off.

If you see an opportunity with friends maybe bring it up, but ultimately it doesn’t matter if people approve of the progress, because progress happens whether humanity likes it or not.

Just remember that reactionary sentiments always lose, you can’t stop progress and change.


HeinrichTheWolf_17 OP t1_j7v5khg wrote

They did work in different divisions, and Carmack was always pretty firm about AGI getting here quickly, he just thought an AGI>ASI hardtakeoff scenario wouldn’t be possible due to GPU limitations.

It’s difficult to discern what Gary Marcus actually thinks though, Facebook does seem to be falling behind everyone and Marcus might just be loud mouthing everyone else down to keep investors going to Facebook.


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j6d13uz wrote

There will be at least some resistance on some level, AI Art pretty much put that on display for us early on.

My best advice (if you’re a Transhumanist anyway) is not to worry about it, get your nano augmentations or migrate off of biology, merge with AGI, expand your consciousness etc… and just ignore luddites, progress always wins 99.99% of the time, reactionaries are just a historical meme, they’ve always been losers, like literally, they lose every single time.


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j5nz6co wrote

Hard Takeoff/FOOM scenario. Many will underestimate AGI when it gets here, there will be arguments, many of the same nature as the ones that surround ChatGPT/GPT-3, people will say it’s not really understanding anything, it’s not sentient so it can’t create anything of value, oh, it requires way too much hardware to be a hard takeoff, just ignore all that optimization we’ve done with every other algorithm since 2011, and then rinse and repeat.

I think it’ll quickly skyrocket past any Human intellect once it’s at even a sub human level of comprehension. After that point I expect chaos and finger pointing, Gary Marcus will use his same toe in line arguments, Chomsky will bury his head in the sand and say it’s not Human, whatever that means. But people here and in a lot of other places in the AI community will understand it will revolutionize the world at a rate we have never witnessed before.

Here’s the thing, Humans innovate, acclimate and then adapt, not the other way around, AGI will push forward and change the world, and those in denial, the religious crowd, the luddites and the conservatives will be left in the past until their ready to acclimate to the new tech themselves, which I’m betting on that they will. I don’t for one second think they’re going to deny any of the treatments we’ll have for aging, I could understand them not going for Nanotechnological Augmentation like a Transhumanist like myself would be doing, but many of them will at least embrace biotech at the very least.


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j49q4d0 wrote

I think for a true post scarcity system with physical goods it’ll at least require Hard Nanotechnology. As for time frame, definitely post AGI, I would say at least before this century closes, but again, developed nations will probably get there sooner.


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j46c6xb wrote

Well, UBI will be a necessity, but not all countries will pass that when needed.

My other solution, is to open source as much as humanly possible, combine that with high levels of automation, so the result here is to create a zero marginal cost system, basically, when the abundance of goods rises, the value of those goods goes down, this is because competitors want to churn a profit at the lowest possible price point to produce the consumed goods. This will lead to goods that Humans need to survive (Food, Water and Shelter) at an extremely low price point. So cutting production costs is a good thing overall.

So Capitalism will still exist during the transition, but will be obsolete as an end result, eventually, there’s going to be so much abundance that money will be superfluous, anyone will be able to make goods+content at a net zero cost point. Of course, countries with UBI will get to this result much much faster, but third world countries will catch up not too much later.

We’re going to see this happen with Media first, we will be able to create anything we want without AAA Game or Film Studios having all the control, AI Art is just a little step. Indie content will thrive. This will happen with physical products next.