HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ixm47l5 wrote
Reply to Neuralink event on Nov 30th by Melveron
I like the concept of Neuralink, I really do, but drilling a hole into your skull and then implanting a chip in your brain is going to result in scarring and loss of brain matter. This is a big reason Hodak left the company.
If you ask me, Neuralink should follow what Marry Lou Jepsen at Openwater is doing, make a BCI that doesn’t require elective brain surgery by using infrared light to communicate with neurons. I don’t want to do anything like this until nanotech gets here.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ixik6c6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Lex Fridman's father is pro-immortality by SpiritedSort672
The burden of proof always lies on the person making the claim though, I’m willing to let science study NDEs or drug trips, but let’s not jump the gun like some people and say they got reality all figured out. Tool has a song about Psychonauts like that, it’s called Rosetta Stoned.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ixi03nb wrote
Reply to what does this sub think of Elon Musk by [deleted]
So, his companies (not himself, his employees) have given us good EVs, affordable reusable rockets, and decent satellite internet coverage, that’s about it, all his other projects are useless vapourware.
Other than that, I personally think Musk is a literal dumbass. Thunderf00t on YouTube has been deconstructing his nonsense for a long time, the Twitter crashing in two weeks incident just put on full display that he isn’t the brightest tool in the shed. The guy just likes to LARP as a real life Tony Stark.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ixhjlfh wrote
Reply to comment by div414 in Lex Fridman's father is pro-immortality by SpiritedSort672
It’s not going to happen overnight, but it’ll lessen more and more over time.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ixh3p27 wrote
Reply to comment by PositiveWeapon in Expert Proposes a Method For Telling if We All Live in a Computer Program by garden_frog
In the end it might just turn out to all be our brain misfiring, which is why it could be a dead end. The fact that SSRIs or Benzos alter/stop a trip is evidence enough it’s a physical phenomenon, not spiritual. I’m obviously for way more investigation, but the fact that people try to make a religion surrounding them is silly at this point in time.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ixh361g wrote
Reply to comment by red75prime in Lex Fridman's father is pro-immortality by SpiritedSort672
This, let’s not accept untestable contradictory metaphysical explanations for what death is or what happens after it, it’s just more of the “God of the Gaps” argument. That mentality also leads to apathy and not fixing the problems around us.
I say let’s treat it now, if these people believe the rapture or enlightenment is inevitable anyways, then why not stay alive until it comes?
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ixh2v7w wrote
Reply to comment by Education-Sea in Lex Fridman's father is pro-immortality by SpiritedSort672
Yeah, I think half of it is tradition and the other half is a coping mechanism, humans don’t live a long time, so they need myth, religion, spirituality and philosophy to explain their short finite lifespan. Half of the reason these spiritual traditions exist is because of the sting of death, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism all try to ease the reality of coping with permanent loss.
Nobody treats death like they treat a morning cup or coffee or the last dump they took. It’s been a an Achilles Heel in that losing people around us needs an explanation (I don’t think it does TBH). I think soon both Ageism and Deathism will be obsolete.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ixgxnh1 wrote
Reply to comment by KeepItASecretok in Lex Fridman's father is pro-immortality by SpiritedSort672
I think those religious and mythological traditions will dissipate when aging is cured, by the time we abandon the monkey suit altogether those ways of thinking will certainly be extinct. A lot of it is just Stockholm Syndrome.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ixgxkcg wrote
The correct position.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ixdz145 wrote
Reply to comment by Shelfrock77 in Expert Proposes a Method For Telling if We All Live in a Computer Program by garden_frog
You can’t stop it for everyone, but you can do it for as many people as you possibly can. I put the eradication of people’s pain as a top priority.
A video game is also different, because in a video game you don’t feel pain, you don’t have your limbs blown off, and you retain all your knowledge, you can pause the game, or you could just go to the main menu and quit easily. The only equivalent to that in real life is a bullet through your brain for a lot of people, imagine growing up as a kid in Somalia having to drink out of water infested with cow shit, that’s horrible and that child has no way out of that nightmare barring taking their own life. That is why alleviating that kind of pain is pivotal.
I believe in giving sentient beings complete and total control, and to be untethered to a single form is exactly how you do that.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ixdl8vy wrote
Reply to comment by Shelfrock77 in Expert Proposes a Method For Telling if We All Live in a Computer Program by garden_frog
Well, I believe in the permanent transcension of all material suffering, when I look at the world I see a lot of people in pain and misery, especially those in the third world, like village children who look like living skeletons. And I would like no other sentient being to have to endure that kind of suffering again, it’s cruel.
Reincarnation is also a bad thing btw. The focal point of Eastern Spirituality is to escape being bound into another mortal form, otherwise you’re stuck in eternal torment, I’m not sure what reddit’s obsession with it is.
I see the Technological Singularity a lot like the Shin Buddhist Concept of Amitabha’s Pureland. A pathway for eternal freedom from mortality and everlasting bliss/Nirvana.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ixd4i5f wrote
Reply to comment by Nastypilot in Expert Proposes a Method For Telling if We All Live in a Computer Program by garden_frog
As someone who went through the Psychonaut/DMT Spirit Molecule phase them self, I agree.
The fact is, we don’t have any actual method to measure experiences with psychedelic compounds to explain what they are, and the people over at r/Psychonaut contradict each other just as much as anyone else, so they obviously haven’t settled on any ground truth from all the Tryptamine usage. They’re just as contradictory over there as any other religious group. Some people become Christians after LSD/Shroom use, others become Atheists, others delve into Eastern Woo, other go over to Shamanism, some even become Transhumanists (one of my close friends became a Transhumanist after an LSD trip). It’s all over the map. If psychedelics showed any ground/base reality than people all wouldn’t be arrive to all these contradictory positions.
I think it’s highly possible it could be a dead end, it might just all turn out to be your brain’s serotonin receptors misfiring. We already know Tryptamines criss cross the visual cortex with the rest of the brain, that would explain the hallucinations.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a massive advocate for Psychedelics, but people really need to take a step back before trying to apply drug trips to answering questions to the fundamental nature of reality. Joe Rogan has taken tons of hallucinogens and he’s still an idiot.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ixcj5wr wrote
Reply to comment by Shelfrock77 in Expert Proposes a Method For Telling if We All Live in a Computer Program by garden_frog
I’m a Panpsychist too but I’m not following what you’re saying. Yeah data is stored in physics but that doesn’t mean we’re already uploaded, if that were the case than quantum resurrection would already exist.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ix7jd0o wrote
Reply to comment by Shelfrock77 in Metaculus community prediction for "Date Weakly General AI is Publicly Known" has dropped to Oct 26, 2027 by maxtility
There better be no loot boxes.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ix30als wrote
Reply to comment by Mr_Hu-Man in is it ignorant for me to constantly have the singularity in my mind when discussing the future/issues of the future? by blxoom
Human greed is a huge issue, the reason both the US and China won’t drop the coal industry is because of money, when you look at most other countries like France or Canada, the zero emissions goal with renewable energy is approaching fast.
You’re entirely correct, we have the technology right now. The issue is human nature and the desire for superpowers to remain top tog by spending less on energy costs. People always think about short term benefits and ignore long term disaster consequences.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ix300u2 wrote
Reply to comment by ChronoPsyche in is it ignorant for me to constantly have the singularity in my mind when discussing the future/issues of the future? by blxoom
Yeah, the idea of dropping all the research out of other fields of science is silly. It’s not like the people in that field would even have the qualifications to work in Machine Learning.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ix2quot wrote
Reply to comment by ChronoPsyche in is it ignorant for me to constantly have the singularity in my mind when discussing the future/issues of the future? by blxoom
The Singularity gets here by technological progress, which everyone is working on in some form or another due to the law of accelerating returns. The Intelligence Explosion will happen when it happens, nobody is really putting any eggs in any baskets when it comes it the Singularity.
What you’re probably referring to is research into AGI, in which case I’d agree. But transhumanism as a whole seeks to solve any issue persisting in front of us as a species, including climate change. It’s already the case that our species is working on solving many different problems with many different methods, it’s not like only one thing is improving.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_iwybklm wrote
I think the likelihood of malevolent/genocidal AGI is very low.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_iwy68fr wrote
Reply to comment by ChurchOfTheHolyGays in Are you a determinist? Why/why not? How does that impact your view of the singularity? by Kaarssteun
Evolutionary side effect of having a very complex brain.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_iwy660y wrote
Reply to Are you a determinist? Why/why not? How does that impact your view of the singularity? by Kaarssteun
I don’t believe anything happens for a predetermined reason. I think trends exist, but for the most part everything that happens is random.
I’m more interested in the dualism/non-dualism philosophical evolution as technology progresses, we might finally find out all the answers to consciousness.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_iwuhlfz wrote
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_iw5914j wrote
Reply to Ai art is a mixed bag by Nintell
Evolution is going to happen bro, you can’t stop progress.
The genie is out of the bottle. The same thing is going to happen once AGI hits the scene.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_iw58cmc wrote
I would say that’s been the case since 2013 onwards. It all started with image recognition 9 years back.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_iw31689 wrote
The Singularity literally means an event horizon you cannot see beyond, the fuck are you talking about OP? Nobody knows what it’ll be like…
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ixna4a3 wrote
Reply to comment by BuckDollar in Neuralink event on Nov 30th by Melveron
Yeah, but I’m talking about hardnano. That’s still a ways away (or at least post AGI).