
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j0jekmz wrote

Eventually it’s going to be impossible to keep up with everything happening around us. I wouldn’t worry too much about keeping up with every little thing. Pretty soon you will have an AI that can give you all new information as a personal assistant.


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_izvjeuz wrote

Software optimization plays a massive role though too, Stable Diffusion, OpenAI Five and AlphaZero were able to achieve the same performance on only a fraction of the required hardware they initially needed to run, the human brain can’t really do that. Assuming we do eclipse the power the brain via hardware soon, it’ll be quick that AGI shoots right past the human learning speed. Not only that, we’ll be giving it every initial GPU it needs until it can design it’s own hardware for itself.

I’d agree it won’t be instant, but it ain’t taking 20-30 years. The writing is on the wall.


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_izvfw5c wrote

I’ve been saying it’s going to be a hard takeoff for 8 years now and everyone thought I was nuts. There’s no reason to assume an AGI would take as long to learn things just because the human brain does. Even Kurzweil is wrong here.

Writing is on the wall guys, we don’t have to wait until 2045.


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_iz78k7d wrote

Right, but they’re talking about the diseases of aging. They view those diseases as separate from aging when they aren’t. The vast majority of conditions post 65 years of age are due to the body gradually breaking down past that point. The fix for that is keeping people young and healthy.


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_iz6sibd wrote

And the promise is huge: Not to help the wealthy to live to 200, but instead provide millions worldwide the prospect of lives that don’t end with a decade or more of chronic illness.

Taps shoulder Sky News, chronic illness is caused by aging. You can’t have one without the other. Sorry to trample on your worship of the tradition of aging but it’s going the way of the Dodo. You can solve chronic illness with a pristinely maintained body, biological immortality is just a side effect of that, as De Grey puts it.

Ageism really is a religion to these people. Anyway, AI is moving so fast these days I doubt any form of biological LEV tech will be used at all.


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ixza3re wrote

Thanks for that, I needed a good laugh today.

Take a minute to look around the world and see what humanity has done, our governments and rich overlords treat their people like expendable cattle being forced to live paycheck to paycheck, Amazon workers can barely take a piss, police harass the homeless just for being poor, powerful old men take swaths of young men away from their families to go die or get crippled a pointless war (look no further than Putin), the environment is crumbling at an accelerating rate and the U.S., Chinese and Russian governments are all adamant about using coal to save on costs at the expense of causing another mass extinction not just of animal life but of billions of humans living in hotter regions, people’s individual rights over their own bodies are being revoked at the hands of men with religious convictions, it’s all about controlling other people.

Agree or not with Q’s antics aboard the Enterprise, he was right about humanity being a savage child race. Humanity can surely do better, but being a reactionary isn’t how a species gets there. AGI is coming and the best course of action is to merge with it. I believe shedding our biological selfish tendencies will be far more beneficial than the world we have now.