HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_isp9kjo wrote
Reply to comment by Another-random-acct in Vaccines to treat cancer possible by 2030, say BioNTech founders by Shelfrock77
You’re really underestimating how much they actually reject truth and fact for bullshit. I’m one of the most optimistic people on this subreddit when it comes to progress, but even I know people will refuse medical treatment for nonsensical reasons.
I’ve seen discussions related to this on 4Chan and Facebook, both when it comes to aging and cancer, it’s always some Zeitgeist shit where they think the government or wealthy want to kill people or give them the disease they say they’re going to cure to cull the population.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_isp5vu6 wrote
Reply to comment by Key_Asparagus_919 in Vaccines to treat cancer possible by 2030, say BioNTech founders by Shelfrock77
The pandemic showed us otherwise. Even when we cure all these diseases+aging, they will still persist for a while due to the fact people will refuse treatment.
Altered Carbon, Upload and Black Mirror’s San Junipero episode kind of delve into this position. Even when we have cures for everything, luddites will refuse treatment for conspiratorial, tradition or religious reasons.
Like the other poster said, more for us then.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_isfsddd wrote
Reply to comment by whenhaveiever in DeepMind breaks 50-year math record using AI; new record falls a week later by Melodic-Work7436
Take my upvote, you made me a bit happier today.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_isbmkcv wrote
Reply to comment by GenoHuman in Scientists teach brain cells in a dish to play Pong, opening potential path to powerful AI by WikkaOne
Did it say if they are planning to upscale?
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_is5ujp2 wrote
Reply to Human brain cells transplanted into baby rats’ brains grow and form connections by Shelfrock77
One is a genius, the other’s insane!
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_is1g70s wrote
Reply to comment by ashu1605 in How long have you been on the Singularity subreddit? by TheHamsterSandwich
I was 17, you’re making me feel old!
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_is1g2jp wrote
Reply to comment by intergalacticskyline in How long have you been on the Singularity subreddit? by TheHamsterSandwich
Terence McKenna was also a big proponent of the singularity from a lot of his trip experiences. Mind if I ask what your experience was?
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_iryfqxh wrote
2011, more optimistic. Things are moving faster than even I expected.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_irx1w6h wrote
Reply to comment by Kinexity in what jobs will we have post singularity? by theferalturtle
This, it’s about eradication of the suffering just to barely stay alive. The goal is to make everything a hobby, not a dog eat dog requirement via natural selection. The world we live in is like a free for all battle royale, monetarily, biologically and socially.
Fuck that noise, let’s give everyone the tools to be whatever they want, have whatever they want, or do whatever they want without being a slave to money or biology.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_irt4okf wrote
Reply to comment by esoteric23 in AI art 256x faster by Ezekiel_W
The clock is ticking for game and film studios, artists aren't the only ones being replaced. One day you can think something can create it in an instant, want a full remake of DOOM 1993? Done. Want a Grand Theft Auto Game set in South Park? Done. Want a Rick and Morty based MOBA? Done.
Soon we will be able to create anything we want specifically tailored to us.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_irs0q6e wrote
Reply to comment by Rumianti6 in Why does everyone assume that AI will be conscious? by Rumianti6
When did I imply that you ever did though? Self Awareness being computational means human beings set a precedent, our brain being a self aware machine goes to show that evolution was able to give rise to something that was able to recognize itself.
> The argument of consciousness exists therefore AI can be conscious is dumb. It's like saying birds can fly therefore cows can fly.
Those aren’t even close to the same comparison, cows cannot fly because they have dense bone structure, birds fly because their bones barely weigh anything and they are able to generate enough lift to pull themselves off the ground, this is an engineering difference. Consciousness isn’t a trait unique to humans or any one animal, we see it in Elephants, Dogs, Horses, Chimps, Bonobos, Dolphins, Whales and many others.
Have you heard of Integrated Information Theory? It’s a model that has consciousness form from a set of parameters in combination with one another. This makes sense because babies aren’t as self aware as children or adults but those babies generally become more and more self aware as they become toddlers. If consciousness was some unique trait it would be stagnant, for the early years in humans, we see different levels of self awareness. This means self awareness is flexible.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_irrwru3 wrote
I don’t think consciousness really matters as far as ASI is concerned, but the universe is computational, our brain exists inside the universe and is more or less a machine like any other, if random mutations on the plains of Africa can give rise to self awareness I see no reason to assume the process cannot be repeated (and much more efficiently mind you).
It just seems like another ‘only humans will be capable of X’ argument in a long list of times that argument has been proven false.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_irrqq6q wrote
Reply to Am I crazy? Or am I right? by AdditionalPizza
All your base are belong to us.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_irq2lpa wrote
Reply to comment by OsakaWilson in Introducing the Basic Post-scarcity Map by lorepieri
Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_irmpel9 wrote
Reply to comment by beachmike in As Ray Kurzweil says Godlikeness is possible post-singularity... by Scarro_Lamann
In short, previous universes achieve a higher state of existence and create more universes for future civilizations to follow in our footsteps, and advance enough to join with us.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_irjm6b4 wrote
God is just a label, what we're really after is the ability to manipulate our conscious reality in any way we see fit for ourselves, that to me would be godlike (basically the Q or Comic Version Doctor Manhattan).
It's also worth noting that John Smart has this idea of a sort of 'migration' out of this dimension, this is one possible answer to the Fermi Paradox, perhaps when civilization advance to a certain point they don't explore space but pack up and leave this reality altogether. Perhaps space is NOT the final frontier...
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ir12n7w wrote
Reply to comment by r0cket-b0i in What happens in the first month of AGI/ASI? by kmtrp
What’s happening in November again?
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_iquwg9g wrote
Reply to Self-Programming Artificial Intelligence Using Code-Generating: a self-programming AI implemented using a code generation model can successfully modify its own source code to improve performance and program sub-models to perform auxiliary tasks. by Schneller-als-Licht
Exciting if true, but I’d really like to see who published this.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_iqopr3m wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Serious question: Why does so many want to fix aging? Without radically changing the economy, this basically makes you into a slave that can never retire or die from age. by [deleted]
Post-Scarcity doesn’t require infinite resources to be a thing, this is the oldest fallacy spouted by right leaning people on this subreddit. Most value of the shit you buy is labour/salary cost, the actual cost of the products is much less if you subtract the human labour element.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_iqlhl2m wrote
Reply to comment by Powerful_Range_4270 in The Age of Magic Has Just Begun by Ohigetjokes
A lot of people think FIVR will be this massive thing for people communicating with one another, but in reality I don’t think it’s going to play out quite like that. I think that the overwhelming majority of people will just go live off in their own VR worlds tailored to them. Why waste time arguing with people on Twitter when they have no jurisdiction over your realms?
Remember that Black Mirror episode USS Callister? Where Daly creates his own universe with his own AIs from a modded version of the online game ‘Infinity’ and lives out his sadistic Captain Kirk fantasy? I think that’s what most people will do (minus the sadism, hopefully).
But I agree with you, Social Media as we know it is going to die one day. There’s just no point in it if you can get companionship specifically tailored to your liking.
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_iqlhg7f wrote
Reply to comment by petermobeter in The Age of Magic Has Just Begun by Ohigetjokes
You’re a wizard Harry!
HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_isq3mk1 wrote
Reply to comment by ChefKenner in Vaccines to treat cancer possible by 2030, say BioNTech founders by Shelfrock77
That’s the thing here, Kurzweil even mentioned the mRNA covid vaccines during a speech online a few months back. Biotech is going to kick off extremely fast now, all diseases disappearing this decade seemed fanatical to many skeptics but the truth is once we can reprogram biology all genetic illnesses will be cured fast and aging will disappear alongside with it.
We’re just getting the ability to reprogram our shitty outdated genetics. Medical advancements weren’t an information technology until the 2010s, the field was linear before.