HighVulgarian t1_jd5lonr wrote
Reply to comment by CapGrundle in Worcester County Food Truck Showdown May 6 in Spencer by ocvictor
That’s America’s Grundle!
HighVulgarian t1_jc4syoo wrote
Reply to comment by Lil_Brown_Bat in ANTIQUES ROADSHOW Tour Stopping at Old Sturbridge Village on June 13 by hanzbanans
I’ll bring my original xbox
HighVulgarian t1_jbmnvdl wrote
Reply to comment by ozzgift in Can anyone recommend a cheap place for firewood? by adrichamter
That’s amazing, thanks for posting this
HighVulgarian t1_jaevxd6 wrote
Reply to comment by cerberus6320 in Boston could be first municipality to require stores, restaurants, and hotels to donate leftover food by bostondotcom
Should be coordinated through the new office of food justice, lessen the burden on both parties
HighVulgarian t1_j9omuez wrote
Reply to comment by NativeMasshole in Anyone working today? How are the roads? Stay safe out there! by NativeMasshole
Imagine a native mass hole scared to drive in this dusting
HighVulgarian t1_j7q780m wrote
Reply to comment by sirlurksalotaken in Autism and Schools by Ductomaniac
Yeah their comments come off as someone who could not/would not follow the guidance as prescribed and then found “functional” alternatives to behavioral training. And saying they just let their kid be is a long winded way of saying they gave up.
That said, it is not easy to be a parent to kids with ASD/DDs and very difficult to change the coping strategies they developed to get by before they made it through the wait list to achieving services. Looks like a classic extinction burst
HighVulgarian t1_j7pjjh1 wrote
Reply to comment by Ductomaniac in Autism and Schools by Ductomaniac
Please don’t listen to this person, ABA is strongly researched and validated to be the best treatment for behavioral excesses and deficits. This person likely had a bad experience or worse “did their own research” and validated their own bias.
But look into the Shrewsbury school system, they have a very strong aba/autism program.
HighVulgarian t1_j695xs6 wrote
Reply to comment by ConquestOfPizzaTime in Boldly Go. by icedcoffee4eva
But did he ever crusher?
HighVulgarian t1_j4vhk43 wrote
I was gifted snow shoes a few years ago, it hasn’t snowed significantly since.
HighVulgarian t1_j3n9zf4 wrote
Reply to comment by SmartSherbet in Best Fried Rice in Worcester area? by CoolAbdul
The braised pork belly over pickled soy is one of the greatest things I’ve ever eaten
HighVulgarian t1_j3eovar wrote
Reply to comment by madscientist1986 in Glazy Susan is closing permanently on 1/29 by BreadBot32
Their donuts come from Boston donuts
HighVulgarian t1_j37k9mh wrote
Reply to comment by mattgm1995 in DUI checkpoint coming to Worcester County by HRJafael
“Our society”
Holy shit, I’ve only heard racists/bigots use that phrase in that context. It’s messed up that you would so readily go there. I’m blocking you for that reason, you don’t deserve to be heard.
HighVulgarian t1_j35wh93 wrote
Reply to comment by mattgm1995 in DUI checkpoint coming to Worcester County by HRJafael
By that logic the government would be right to confiscate guns in the interest of keeping everyone safe. It’s a violation of personal liberty, I don’t want to be harassed when I’m driving sober and safely
HighVulgarian t1_j35mavr wrote
Reply to comment by Dwm182 in DUI checkpoint coming to Worcester County by HRJafael
I’m now curious as to what percentage of people detained at these checkpoints result in arrest for DWI. My guess is less than 5%
HighVulgarian t1_j35jf96 wrote
Reply to comment by Dwm182 in DUI checkpoint coming to Worcester County by HRJafael
Thank you. That is very disheartening
HighVulgarian t1_j35gax6 wrote
Reply to comment by largomargo in DUI checkpoint coming to Worcester County by HRJafael
So no source. OK bootlicker
HighVulgarian t1_j3526wk wrote
Reply to comment by largomargo in DUI checkpoint coming to Worcester County by HRJafael
You got a source for that?
HighVulgarian t1_j350g5g wrote
Reply to DUI checkpoint coming to Worcester County by HRJafael
Illegal search and seizure all for “safety”. On the plus side, they’ve solved all the other crimes in the area
HighVulgarian t1_j0gx3ku wrote
HighVulgarian t1_j07dg5g wrote
Reply to comment by Evergreen_76 in Diocese of Worcester: Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minor by Priest by MassInsider
The meme is that it was uncovered years ago and no longer happens
HighVulgarian t1_j07d9kp wrote
Reply to comment by madhatmatt2 in Diocese of Worcester: Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minor by Priest by MassInsider
There’s one of those “staunch defenders” that u/CoolAbdul was talking about
HighVulgarian t1_izef058 wrote
Reply to comment by ozzgift in Best 3D or maybe 4DX cinema around Worcester to watch Avatar 2? by DarthMortum
Oh wow! Thanks, I haven’t been there since the force awakens.
HighVulgarian t1_ize5qgw wrote
The theater in revere has 4k with moving seats and such
Edit: change has to had and see below
HighVulgarian t1_iz0n2mh wrote
That list of vendors is wicked interesting!
HighVulgarian t1_jd9eo1q wrote
Reply to comment by _peteyfourfingers_ in Cheap house. Under 300k. You’re not a homeowner because you’re lazy…. by fuertepqek
Holistic height hole