
HighVulgarian t1_j7q780m wrote

Reply to comment by sirlurksalotaken in Autism and Schools by Ductomaniac

Yeah their comments come off as someone who could not/would not follow the guidance as prescribed and then found “functional” alternatives to behavioral training. And saying they just let their kid be is a long winded way of saying they gave up.

That said, it is not easy to be a parent to kids with ASD/DDs and very difficult to change the coping strategies they developed to get by before they made it through the wait list to achieving services. Looks like a classic extinction burst


HighVulgarian t1_j7pjjh1 wrote

Reply to comment by Ductomaniac in Autism and Schools by Ductomaniac

Please don’t listen to this person, ABA is strongly researched and validated to be the best treatment for behavioral excesses and deficits. This person likely had a bad experience or worse “did their own research” and validated their own bias.

But look into the Shrewsbury school system, they have a very strong aba/autism program.