HitmanSK007 t1_iyc06a0 wrote
HitmanSK007 OP t1_ixpzgmg wrote
Reply to comment by NoraCharles91 in Depiction of multiple romantic interests by HitmanSK007
It's a less popular show but there was this one called BrainDead and even though I absolutely loved it, I was just wondering about how the main character would be perceived if the roles were reversed between the sexes. And I started to think about how these things are depicted in media in general which is what got me to post this.
HitmanSK007 OP t1_ixpyd4l wrote
Reply to comment by NoraCharles91 in Depiction of multiple romantic interests by HitmanSK007
I agree with what you're saying but male characters also shoulder way more of the guilt/remorse aspects of stories whereas the female ones are decisive and quicker to move on even if it's just for appearances and conforming to society which makes the whole thing even more convoluted.
HitmanSK007 t1_ixmskvl wrote
Reply to What was a movie that took more than one viewing to love and understand it much more? by Provav
Prisoners. I absolutely loved the movie the first when my brother just randomly put it up. But when I watched it the second time, it was so obvious how much at the top of their game everybody in it was. Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano, Hugh Jackman, Terrence Howard would have all gotten Oscar nominations if it were up to me. And of course Roger Deakins and Denis Villeneuve let them to do their thing.
HitmanSK007 t1_ix5jgnm wrote
Reply to The Last Kingdom by DarkMatterLuigi
Nothing's more satisfying than a main character who does exactly what you want him to do.
HitmanSK007 OP t1_iwv3zeg wrote
Reply to comment by throwawaythrow0000 in What's your favourite/ideal setup for a show? by HitmanSK007
That's basically every sitcom though. It isn't really a trope but the entire genre.
HitmanSK007 OP t1_iz4r8ys wrote
Reply to comment by JoshMillz in Most random series that no one but you would consider among the best shows ever made by HitmanSK007
Patriot has a lot more diehard fans than you realise. Plus, being on the biggest streaming service can help new people discover it every day. I guess I'm being hypocritical when I put Castlevania in there.