
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_j8vud2c wrote

I didn't live there, was just passing through taking care of some business in that area, and a little bit was enough for me (but I'll admit to being a little bit of a suburbanite who enjoys a different lifestyle than city dwellers). At least they cleared out the homeless encampment on Stockton.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_j8vrlmk wrote

>To be honest though I’m not sure I’d feel comfortable walking a dog alone in the middle of the night in the East Promenade of Allegheny Commons.

I'll second that. I was in that area last Fall, couple interesting characters out and about even during the day, including one person so strung-out and belligerent that 6 cops showed up to deal with her. Then, not long after that, there was that triple-shooting near the Sunoco station. Some parts of the North Side are nice, that area is definitely questionable, IMO.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_j8ke3nh wrote

You're going to want to call the PA Game Commission, because laws in this state are weird. Shed hunting (collecting dropped antlers) is legal, as long as you aren't trespassing, but you cannot collect antlers attached to a head/skull (meaning you can't take them from a dead animal). Obviously bones aren't quite the same as antlers, but you'd be best off calling them to make sure you don't run afoul of any weird rules like that.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_j73bpxh wrote

I can't speak to whether or not they'll do it in the same transaction, but they may be able to do it in 2 transactions and you'll get an extra-long expiration date.

I recently had a mix-up when renewing my license. I renewed online (did not do the REAL ID upgrade), but asked to upgrade when I went to take the photo. They had to charge me for a 2nd renewal to process the upgrade, but now my license is good until 2030 instead of 2026. They do not make you forfeit remaining years on a license when you change something.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_j721mwl wrote

10/12, Lancaster really tripped me up for some reason.

You should make it such that wrong answers just blink red. Giving the correct answer makes it easy to cheat. I never would've gotten Reading correct if it hadn't shown the name when I tried to pin it as Lancaster.