
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_ja7wsr4 wrote

> I have not heard any stories of Pennsylvanians being arrested for purchasing firearms while holding a medical marijuana card.

But at the same time, the threat of federal charges is enough to stop people from purchasing a firearm, which is itself a form of infringement on one's otherwise-legal rights.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_j9v8dd4 wrote

I've driven front-drive cars with all-season tires for 16 years. I've never had an issue aside from 2 times I got stuck on un-plowed hills that I knew darn well I should'nt have driven on and decided to try anyway.

AWD definitely isn't necessary. The thing people forget about AWD too is that it's not all-wheel-stop - people think they're driving a small tank that'll do whatever they want and then end up in more trouble because they overestimated what AWD can do for you.

The biggest thing is just use common sense. If it's so bad that FWD can't make it, chances are AWD won't do much better.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_j9uhtqq wrote

My general rule of thumb, for starters, is check Google reviews. Any dealer with less than 4.5 stars isn't worth the time. I say this because I've dealt with lower-rated dealers before and it absolutely sucked.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_j9r5dly wrote

The titling issues are a nation-wide problem. There's a YouTube channel called "Lehto's Law," where a Michigan-based lawyer goes over the legal issues of cases that make the news, and he covers Carvana issues fairly frequently. Usually issues with titling resulting in Attorneys General getting involved.

Carvana has also had some financial issues lately. The risk of the company falling apart would scare me away, as you wouldn't necessarily have anyone to go after if you had issues.

Don't know which Carvana you're looking at, but the one in Bridgeville, PA (Pittsburgh suburb) got suspended by the state back in Nov. '22.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_j98wn3q wrote

It's been at least 4 years since I left the program and quit job hunting in that field, so I really can't accurately say. But it wasn't enough to justify the cost of an undergrad and masters. Just like teachers who need special degrees/certifications for relatively shitty pay, many library jobs require MLIS degrees but don't pay nearly well enough to justify the cost unless you luck into an admin role.