HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbh99w1 wrote
Reply to comment by psychcaptain in Pennsylvania has No. 4 highest tax rates in U.S.: report by dissolutewastrel
This isn't strictly about wealthy people. There are enough average people who would benefit from generational wealth than there are wealthy people who don't need it passed down.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbh7jjk wrote
Reply to comment by psychcaptain in Pennsylvania has No. 4 highest tax rates in U.S.: report by dissolutewastrel
But think about what you could do with extra money - reinvest it, build a business, start a charity, etc. Instead it just disappears into the state's coffers. If it's ever seen again, it'll be in the form of a public service where the benefit to everyone is financially negligible.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbgpk03 wrote
They forgot to include our ridiculous death taxes
Edit: the state taxes your wealth when you earn it and your stuff as you buy it, they have no right to just take all your shit when you die
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbaupqi wrote
Reply to comment by datilpickles in Pennsylvania Bill Would Give Doctors More Flexibility To Prescribe Cannabis by Important_Bad_9697
The list of doctors who are authorized to prescribe is hilarious - dermatologists, hair loss specialists, plastic surgeons, etc. Almost none of the qualifying conditions are treated by such doctors. There's one on the list who's registered address is his personal house, but I can't find any records of him actually practicing in PA. The bureaucratic BS citizens have to put up with is infuriating yet there seems to be little oversight of the prescribers.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbad1ue wrote
Reply to comment by martymoran in What's required to transfer the title of a car after someone's death? by [deleted]
My point was more general, but in this instance they could also just call PennDOT
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jb9z4yb wrote
Reply to comment by martymoran in What's required to transfer the title of a car after someone's death? by [deleted]
Activity on this sub would be cut in half if people actually just picked up the phone and called the appropriate office, full of people paid to assist with their exact question.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jb6ye27 wrote
Reply to Documents necessary to obtain a PA Driver's License? Conflicting Info from DMV Website by njherdfan
Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM EST
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jb6njej wrote
Reply to comment by hsavvy in Is it that hard to look up PA specific info on your own? by CharacterBrief9121
>my friends in PennDOT
At least you went to the appropriate source rather than asking someone else to ask PennDOT
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jat9gl2 wrote
Reply to comment by artificialavocado in What can Philadelphia do as PA’s sole Class 1 city that Pittsburgh PA’s sole Class 2 city can’t? by [deleted]
That's beside the point, like it or not.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jasttco wrote
Reply to comment by STLLC2019 in What can Philadelphia do as PA’s sole Class 1 city that Pittsburgh PA’s sole Class 2 city can’t? by [deleted]
>Philly would ban all firearms except those carried by their own uniformed thugs (police) if they could. All while ignoring all of their far, FAR more obvious problems.
Could say that about pretty much any government body
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jaspqmk wrote
Reply to comment by hypotenoos in What can Philadelphia do as PA’s sole Class 1 city that Pittsburgh PA’s sole Class 2 city can’t? by [deleted]
>Allegheny probably doesn’t need 130 municipalities, but probably does need more than 1.
There's a lot of purple/red territory outside city limits. People would have a shit fit if they tried to form a unified city-county government. Personally I'd move just because I don't want to be under the city goverment, regardless of who's in charge.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jasm54i wrote
Reply to comment by STLLC2019 in What can Philadelphia do as PA’s sole Class 1 city that Pittsburgh PA’s sole Class 2 city can’t? by [deleted]
>Philadelphia can (and do) set their own firearms control laws that affect the entire County.
This only applies to carry laws - Philly requires a permit for both open and concealed, while the rest of the state only requires a permit to conceal. Philly PD is known to harass people who openly carry.
Otherwise, the state's preemption law still covers just about everything. They actually got sued recently after the mayor banned guns at public pools, and the court struck it down under the preemption law.
Philly would have an AWB and mag cap limits in a heartbeat if they could.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jasbh60 wrote
Reply to Hi there, was wondering if anyone knew why this building was covered like that? Just curious! It’s on Smithfield I believe by ldcat
Stone is aging and crumbling, this catches debris
Also helps keep pigeons off the stonework. Bird poop is corrosive.
Yes, it's on Smithfield - Smithfield United Church of Christ
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jamj3ck wrote
Reply to I’m a PA mom who is suing my children’s school district over this shocking curriculum by dissolutewastrel
You lost me at "rooted in Christian faith." The religious right is pushing Christian beliefs on people via the government, IDGAF what happens to you at this point.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jaemba0 wrote
Reply to comment by GargantuanWitch in active shooter in Manchester. Manchester Academic Charter School on lockdown. by SNIPES0009
I don't live near the area and genuinely don't care. I'm more interested in good news-sharing. A tiny bit of extra effort would've gone a long way in making this a much more useful post.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jaeg99y wrote
Reply to comment by SNIPES0009 in active shooter in Manchester. Manchester Academic Charter School on lockdown. by SNIPES0009
So you could've easily included text saying that and gained a lot of credibility.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jaefj6h wrote
Reply to comment by SNIPES0009 in active shooter in Manchester. Manchester Academic Charter School on lockdown. by SNIPES0009
Well you obviously heard about it somehow. Could've said "according to [xyz source]" like a school alert, police scanner, etc. I didn't say it had to be a news source or internet link.
A general rule is you shouldn't make any kind of alarming claim without some kind of source.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jaee7db wrote
Reply to comment by ReformedDeviant in Pennsylvania’s Teacher Shortage Will Require Systemic Solutions, Report Says by Open_Veins_8
Plus, make college more affordable.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jaecjqk wrote
Reply to active shooter in Manchester. Manchester Academic Charter School on lockdown. by SNIPES0009
Is that the same as this, which is already over?
Really need to include sources when posting something like this
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jadf0zl wrote
Reply to Removing the abandoned boat sinking in Allegheny River is no easy task - CBS Pittsburgh by oldschoolskater
I would've expected the Fish & Boat Commission (since they handle licensing) and the Coast Guard to handle this. Unbelievable.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jad4zkl wrote
Reply to comment by CARLEtheCamry in Pittsburgh Hotels With in Room 2-Person Spa/Hot Tubs? by SimoneFatale
Ya the area itself is a good neighborhood, and I've never heard a bad word about the place. It always just struck me as a stereotypical sketchy roadside motel. I did see on Google Maps that the place has been updated, so they must be doing OK to afford that, and I'm glad to see a small business doing well.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jaaw0jk wrote
Reply to America's backbone by [deleted]
I feel like this is some kind of trolling/shitposting in light of recent goings-on
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jaa36dt wrote
Reply to comment by capt_lunatic in Pittsburgh Hotels With in Room 2-Person Spa/Hot Tubs? by SimoneFatale
I'm always amazed that 1) it's still in business, 2) it seems very popular with truckers, and 3) it's a popular movie set.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jaa2pm6 wrote
Reply to Found him on KDKA today. You think they were being punked. Seems a bit off to me. by Altruistic-Rip4364
I had the news on for background noise and my ears perked up when I heard that, thanks for confirming lol
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbk72u5 wrote
Reply to comment by RedditMemesSuck in Pennsylvania has No. 4 highest tax rates in U.S.: report by dissolutewastrel
My family has been in PA for over 200 years, but my brother has left the state, I'm looking to follow within the next 5 years, and we're hoping to move our parents (or at least the one who is still currently single, they divorced years ago) out at some point in their lifetime.