
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jcwol8a wrote

I was being hyperbolic, the point being that a $500/month pass may be feasible for you but not for someone else. You didn't ask if it's feasible from a time standpoint, logistics standpoint, or cost standpoint, so you're gonna get opinions/information from all aspects of the issue. Don't like it? Try being more specific.

>without being rude.

You're the one claiming I have a reading comprehension issue, but you're the one who wrote a very general question and then got bitchy when you got detailed, specific information.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jcveqhv wrote

A quick search of the Amtrak app shows it's almost 2 hrs each way. Let's say 20 work days in a month...that's almost 80 hrs lost per month.

Amtrak has monthly rail passes, which should make the cost more reasonable than daily tickets, but I couldn't find prices for those.

EDIT: I just found prices - looks like a monthly commuter pass for the Keystone line (which gets you one round trip per day for an entire month) is about $490 per month.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jchsr7m wrote

Doesn't matter. PA has a minimum VLT and if you violate that, you broke the law. Doesn't matter where the tint came from. That's like saying "well it came from the factory without a catalytic converter, I should still be allowed to pass emissions inspection."

Whether or not you actually get cited is dependent on the cop and his/her mood that day.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbubc7l wrote

I agree writing courses can be useful. But in a field like physics, I should need to take a creative writing course. I also had to take a technical writing course that was much more useful and appropriate.

As far as the others, yes, they were from a menu of elective courses I had to take, but my point was they're not related to the major and I've never needed to know a damn thing from them. I spent a ton of money and wasted a lot of time on courses I didn't need. It's a common practice at universities that has to end as part of a reformation to make education more affordable.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbt3ufb wrote

Increase pay, reduce the cost of college and remove unnecessary courses from college requirements, give teachers avenues to push back against problem kids and parents, and do something about the toxic work politics you see within school districts and the unions. Also make it easier to get into teaching without having to be a sub or some other egregiously-underpaid position for years on end.