HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jd016iv wrote
Should specify where you're from, otherwise you're going to get answers from all over the place that likely won't be useful to you.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jcwol8a wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Id Commuting In PA Philly to Harrisburg feasible? Has anyone done it? by [deleted]
I was being hyperbolic, the point being that a $500/month pass may be feasible for you but not for someone else. You didn't ask if it's feasible from a time standpoint, logistics standpoint, or cost standpoint, so you're gonna get opinions/information from all aspects of the issue. Don't like it? Try being more specific.
>without being rude.
You're the one claiming I have a reading comprehension issue, but you're the one who wrote a very general question and then got bitchy when you got detailed, specific information.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jcwnijz wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Id Commuting In PA Philly to Harrisburg feasible? Has anyone done it? by [deleted]
Cost is a huge part of "feasibility" for most people. If it costs $5,000/month, is it still feasible to you? Sure as fuck wouldn't be for me.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jcwgyp9 wrote
Reply to comment by space_elf_69 in Id Commuting In PA Philly to Harrisburg feasible? Has anyone done it? by [deleted]
Whoops, was supposed to be "month" - thanks
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jcwcf0d wrote
Reply to comment by itsallfornaught2 in Id Commuting In PA Philly to Harrisburg feasible? Has anyone done it? by [deleted]
Seems to be a thing on Reddit lol
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jcvoq07 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Id Commuting In PA Philly to Harrisburg feasible? Has anyone done it? by [deleted]
Amtrak's monthly commuter pass for the Keystone line is about $490/month, so you're looking at almost $6k/year plus roughly 80 hours per week month in commuting time.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jcveqhv wrote
A quick search of the Amtrak app shows it's almost 2 hrs each way. Let's say 20 work days in a month...that's almost 80 hrs lost per month.
Amtrak has monthly rail passes, which should make the cost more reasonable than daily tickets, but I couldn't find prices for those.
EDIT: I just found prices - looks like a monthly commuter pass for the Keystone line (which gets you one round trip per day for an entire month) is about $490 per month.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jcqctfn wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Shell Cracker Plant by da_london_09
>The location of the plant has had a long history as an industrial site. Both Horsehead Corporation and Koppers had plants on the site
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jchsr7m wrote
Reply to comment by FreeGreenCards_ in I don’t know if this was asked a lot but it’s hard to get a clear answer since there’s so much gray area… can I, and if so, how dark may my window tint be on a sedan? My apologies if this is a repeating question, I look forward to y’all’s expertise! by FreeGreenCards_
Doesn't matter. PA has a minimum VLT and if you violate that, you broke the law. Doesn't matter where the tint came from. That's like saying "well it came from the factory without a catalytic converter, I should still be allowed to pass emissions inspection."
Whether or not you actually get cited is dependent on the cop and his/her mood that day.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jch9d26 wrote
Reply to Pa. Treasury might have your money, and now there’s a plan to return it by Aggravating_Foot_528
Paywall, what's the TLDR?
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jccxxjg wrote
Reply to comment by Delicious-Newt-5674 in What is the rationale when bikers go to the front of a line of cars? by TonyUncleJohnny412
Ahh ok, worded as a catch-all. Thanks.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jccu7b7 wrote
Reply to comment by Delicious-Newt-5674 in What is the rationale when bikers go to the front of a line of cars? by TonyUncleJohnny412
I found loads of sources that say splitting is illegal but can't find anything about filtering?
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jccqylg wrote
FYI it's called lane filtering, at least when motorcycles do it
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbubc7l wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in How can we attract more people into the teaching profession? by jekomo
I agree writing courses can be useful. But in a field like physics, I should need to take a creative writing course. I also had to take a technical writing course that was much more useful and appropriate.
As far as the others, yes, they were from a menu of elective courses I had to take, but my point was they're not related to the major and I've never needed to know a damn thing from them. I spent a ton of money and wasted a lot of time on courses I didn't need. It's a common practice at universities that has to end as part of a reformation to make education more affordable.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbu232f wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in How can we attract more people into the teaching profession? by jekomo
Courses completely unrelated to your major. I studied physics...I had to take creative writing courses, history of religion, a film studies course, etc. Being a "well-rounded" student isn't worth it for the time and incredible financial commitment.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbtfe74 wrote
Reply to comment by SamuelLCompassion in How can we attract more people into the teaching profession? by jekomo
Income-based payments and they have the potential for PSLF.
But if they started trimming the fat from college curricula, then we could reduce loan burden for everyone.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbt6olx wrote
Reply to comment by PhyPhillosophy in How can we attract more people into the teaching profession? by jekomo
Depends on where you live. My district starts at $50k and caps out at $120k in as little as 10 years. We definitely need to increase it in a lot of districts though.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbt3ufb wrote
Increase pay, reduce the cost of college and remove unnecessary courses from college requirements, give teachers avenues to push back against problem kids and parents, and do something about the toxic work politics you see within school districts and the unions. Also make it easier to get into teaching without having to be a sub or some other egregiously-underpaid position for years on end.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbrdmjy wrote
Reply to comment by CalypsoRaine in Looking to move to PA from AZ. Need recommendations by CalypsoRaine
At least where I live, $1400 will get you a new-ish 2 bed apartment. There's nicely-updated split-level 3-bed/2-bath house for rent in my neighborhood for $2500.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbr4hq6 wrote
>The rent in AZ is so high
>affordable rent
Give us some references as to what's "affordable" and what's "high"
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbor7nj wrote
Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbl21n7 wrote
Reply to comment by wallacehacks in Revenue from legal weed on radar in Shapiro’s first budget by redditor01020
Having Commission reports at least looks good for you in the history books. I'm sure in the day, they knew the Wickersham Report wasn't needed to show prohibition wasn't working, but nowadays it's good to see the evidence.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbl0x1t wrote
Reply to comment by No-Setting9690 in Revenue from legal weed on radar in Shapiro’s first budget by redditor01020
We should have a Wickersham Commission redux to really show how ineffective cannabis prohibition is and how it's lead to a rise in crime.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbkt6jl wrote
Reply to comment by Asleep_Heron2179 in Any one know what's going on with the church next to Wendy's on Centre Ave? by Here4excitement
Calvary UMC? Oh boy...I hoped they checked what kind of stone it's made of. They tried sand blasting one of the churches on 6th Ave downtown once, not realizing it was sandstone, and almost royally f'd it up.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jd3b3vz wrote
Reply to Moving to PA, used bike purchase, titling/registration by YourFriendlyFarmasis
Why pay fees twice? I'd hold off and just title it in PA. Might be worth a call to a local auto tags place or PennDOT just to make sure there aren't any issues with that, but otherwise I'd wait a month and save the fees and extra paperwork.