
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jbaupqi wrote

The list of doctors who are authorized to prescribe is hilarious - dermatologists, hair loss specialists, plastic surgeons, etc. Almost none of the qualifying conditions are treated by such doctors. There's one on the list who's registered address is his personal house, but I can't find any records of him actually practicing in PA. The bureaucratic BS citizens have to put up with is infuriating yet there seems to be little oversight of the prescribers.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jaspqmk wrote

>Allegheny probably doesn’t need 130 municipalities, but probably does need more than 1.

There's a lot of purple/red territory outside city limits. People would have a shit fit if they tried to form a unified city-county government. Personally I'd move just because I don't want to be under the city goverment, regardless of who's in charge.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jasm54i wrote

>Philadelphia can (and do) set their own firearms control laws that affect the entire County.

This only applies to carry laws - Philly requires a permit for both open and concealed, while the rest of the state only requires a permit to conceal. Philly PD is known to harass people who openly carry.

Otherwise, the state's preemption law still covers just about everything. They actually got sued recently after the mayor banned guns at public pools, and the court struck it down under the preemption law.

Philly would have an AWB and mag cap limits in a heartbeat if they could.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jasbh60 wrote

Stone is aging and crumbling, this catches debris


Also helps keep pigeons off the stonework. Bird poop is corrosive.

Yes, it's on Smithfield - Smithfield United Church of Christ


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jad4zkl wrote

Ya the area itself is a good neighborhood, and I've never heard a bad word about the place. It always just struck me as a stereotypical sketchy roadside motel. I did see on Google Maps that the place has been updated, so they must be doing OK to afford that, and I'm glad to see a small business doing well.