
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jdwqtnw wrote

They split it in 2021 - partly in the park, partly in the Cultural District. Then, the rule went into effect in 2022, so they moved the entire festival to the CD for 2022. It's interesting in that it pushes you to explore the area, but I found myself missing parts, or walking through the same area several times as I moved from place to place or forgot what I'd already covered.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jduquqs wrote

>I do miss being right across from the art festival during the summer.

They had to move Arts Fest. The park was getting beat up from heavy usage, so the DCNR issued new rules saying events couldn't be more than 7 days, and there needed to be a recovery period between events (usually 2 to 5 days depending on how long the preceeding event was). Arts Fest is usually ~10 days, so they had to move it to the Cultural District.


HomicidalHushPuppy OP t1_jdrjm8i wrote

Lol I'm on West Penn, they're a little better about it, plus it was a 500+ customer outage with 3 more nearby, so it probably made sense from a resource-useage/efficiency standpoint to send one team out and knock 4 easy outages (they were all simple trees-on-wires issues) off the list.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jdo0i82 wrote

Reply to Kennywood by [deleted]

By "they" saying screw it and shutting down, do you mean the DA or KW? Could be interpreted either way

I don't see KW doing it, because it's their 125th season, they're building a new ride, and just spent a ton of money to repaint a lot of attractions. Why would you just give up when there's money to be made?

I don't see the DA doing anything more stupid than he's already done during an election cycle.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jdj9a30 wrote

Well when they're negotiating plea deals left and right, and/or just cutting people loose, I guess they're saving costs on time that would've been spent in court. Then, you have to spend the money or have your budget cut next year.

Only random speculation, and slightly sarcastic


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jdityn0 wrote

A North Side nuisance bar was shut down early last year, a South Side one closed late last year when their liquor license got revoked, and there's one in Westmoreland (iirc) that's just been closed down temporarily. Don't mess around with the PLCB/PSP's BLCE.

Regardless of action/inaction, my point was there are laws in place to deal with problematic places, whereas the Kennywood issue appears to be Zappala just having a tantrum because someone didn't do what he wanted. He has no legal authority to just order people around.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jdig2nz wrote

I think the bigger issue is he's not law enforcement nor is he a legislator, thus he has no authority to make demands. It's one thing if they treated this like a nuisance bar, which we have laws to deal with. But he's looking to sue them for not bending to his will, which is overreaching.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jd9db0o wrote

> transport in my car to a range

Just a friendly FYI so you don't accidentally run afoul of the law: in PA you cannot have a loaded handgun in a vehicle unless you have a carry permit. So be sure it's unloaded and secure while in transit. If you're looking at a rifle or shotgun, you cannot have it loaded while in a vehicle period, regardless of carry permit.