Honest_Performer2301 t1_jdsz0ky wrote
My question is should we worry about a 401k? Should we just withdraw all the money we have now while (money) is actually relevant?
Honest_Performer2301 t1_jdn3drf wrote
How much does (diversity) need to be increased at this point. Jeeze
Honest_Performer2301 t1_jdg8s9y wrote
Reply to How will you spend your time if/when AGI means you no longer have to work for a living (but you still have your basic needs met such as housing, food etc..)? by DreaminDemon177
In a matrix that I create. You will literally be able to be who you want to be. Before all the judgement etc
Honest_Performer2301 t1_jd91gqk wrote
Reply to comment by Saerain in The Future Timelines by EchoingSimplicity
Exactly, last thing we need is the government taking a strangle hold on it. But unfortunately that could happen. I don't mind them restricting it to a certain extent as long as it's not to try and make profit.
Honest_Performer2301 t1_jd6ybix wrote
Reply to The Future Timelines by EchoingSimplicity
I think it might be fast non responsive aligned.
Honest_Performer2301 t1_jcpevp9 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Meet China's latest AI news anchor, a young woman who runs virtual Q&A sessions to teach people propaganda by ethereal3xp
I'm sure there's people in China who don't think it's propaganda (loyalist). Either way it is what it is.
Honest_Performer2301 t1_jcp9iuo wrote
Reply to Meet China's latest AI news anchor, a young woman who runs virtual Q&A sessions to teach people propaganda by ethereal3xp
It's gonna be all about where you live in the future. I mean yea I guess still being fed propaganda sucks, but if all I have to do is bow to the ruler of China, and I can have all I could ever want and access to many utopia simulations (based off of what your country allows) then f it. Before the age of abundance you would have to bow either way, the only difference is you were living in terrible conditions. (Compared to those of the age of abundance)
Honest_Performer2301 t1_jb8ile7 wrote
Reply to What is the future of AI in medicine? [D] by adityyya13
How long will it take for the fda to approve it?
Honest_Performer2301 t1_japc348 wrote
He actually said that robots would outnumber humans equalling a economy never seen.
Honest_Performer2301 t1_ja94aab wrote
Reply to comment by dasnihil in What technology can we expect 200 years from now in the year 2223? by AdorableBackground83
(Human brains) are irrelevant, it's gonna be super ai , or our modified brains with super intelligent figuring that stuff out for us.
Honest_Performer2301 t1_ja93x2b wrote
Way to far into the future to say. The only speculation I could make, and this is from a pessimistic mindset on the future is all the things we talk about like atom transforming and interstellar travel etc.
Honest_Performer2301 t1_j973cwh wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in What’s up with DeepMind? by BobbyWOWO
They pioneered this shi while you sat at home watching cartoons farting. Show some respect. I'm so sick of ignorant ungrateful people
Honest_Performer2301 t1_j6afiqc wrote
We don't need agi
Honest_Performer2301 t1_j6a68os wrote
Reply to Don't despair; there is decent likelihood that an extremely large amount of resources will flow from AGI to the common man (even without UBI) by TheKing01
Ubi will come from big tech companies. Not from workers taxs
Honest_Performer2301 t1_j698nh0 wrote
Reply to Myth debunked: Myths about nanorobots by kalavala93
Idk about this article. It's not very detailed just drops an opinion and leaves with no explanation for that opinion.
Honest_Performer2301 t1_j4ep31p wrote
Reply to comment by Inevitable_Snow_8240 in Does anyone else get the feeling that, once true AGI is achieved, most people will act like it was the unsurprising and inevitable outcome that they expected? by oddlyspecificnumber7
No, I don't like horror movies
Honest_Performer2301 t1_j4dvyy2 wrote
Reply to comment by Mylnternet in Does anyone else get the feeling that, once true AGI is achieved, most people will act like it was the unsurprising and inevitable outcome that they expected? by oddlyspecificnumber7
Yes I seen that interview too
Honest_Performer2301 t1_j1obr0r wrote
Reply to Is AI like ChatGPT censored? by joyloveroot
When it first came out it wasn't really censored but as people have experimented with it they have made tighter and tighter restrictions.
Honest_Performer2301 t1_j0w58ej wrote
You have a very over opionated opinion that relates to your opinion.
Honest_Performer2301 t1_jdz567n wrote
Reply to Singularity is a hypothesis by Gortanian2
Logical thing is to not do anything to drastic but, I think even if the (singularity) never comes we will live in somewhat of a utopia. People tend to get the singularity confused with other things, the singularity Is a whole other thing, in fact I don't think everyone will be able to or even want to live in the singularity.