
Hoosac_Love t1_jde6azr wrote

Maybe if you paid all your bills then you might lose some ,if you have an acrewed bills then it will be applied.I re-aplied also in late october because mine was a renewal not a first apllication and I did not pay my gas bill and it had a balance of 900 something and fuel assistence paid the full $900 march 8.

If you have a back balance it's covered don't worry.

What happens to unused fuel assistence after april varries fuel company to fuel company ,you might ask them.My company Berkshire gas gives us a credit in the system and often I don't get another bill until september but I can't speak for your carrier.

Yes your gas and elecric bills will get a reduced rate for the full year.

Now that your approved your carrier knows you are approved next year they likely won't shut off for delinquent payment and then when the FA hits your account in march the back balance will be covered.


Hoosac_Love t1_jd9gbir wrote

Yea for sure or at least to the border,some beaurocrat in Ottawa will decide what happens from Canada on but I get your point.

Honestly I have never met anyone who rode the Vermonter past St Albans so I don't what the Canuckie side is like really.


Hoosac_Love t1_jd9ag46 wrote

Not super recent ,2020 or 2011 I think not

Later than 2013 since I was in bellows falls from 13-15 and never did BF to DC Moved back to Mass in 2016 my sister moved to Seattle in about then so never went to DC since likely 2020 I'd say


Hoosac_Love t1_jd95qyn wrote

Wmass track are awful often running transit on freight rails slowing to 10,20MPH

I did the Southbound to DC to see my sister some years back and in Millers falls it slows to 10 MPH.It's 5 and a half hours from Greenfield,MA to Newark N.J and then three hours from Newark to Baltimore.

I'd like to see a passenger train in North Adams but doubting that


Hoosac_Love t1_jd935g4 wrote

How often is this going to be ,isn't there anyway a Boston/Springfield twice per day and being that train deadheads in Chicago I'd imagine it stops in Pittsfield MA before Rensselaer NY and then onto Buffalo


Hoosac_Love t1_jd6nkst wrote

If you have a permanent residence I'd register here but if you are a college student going to school out of state I'd wouldn't worry about.Especially if you retain an out of state drivers license and will move back home once done with college.