
Hoosac_Love t1_je6h5os wrote

People believed false things like:

Smoking and pumping gas is dangerous,not really true,it's really the fumes that are dangerous and they disapate in air and liquid gas will only ingnite with a blue flame,if you put a ciggarette in a bicket of gasoline it will actually go out.


Pumping gas while a car is running is dangerous,no not at all,cabbies have for years pumped gas while the engine ran to save gas by keeping the car running 24 hours per day.If pumping gas to a running car was dangerous millions of cabs would already have exploded.


Hoosac_Love OP t1_je5s3ph wrote

I don't know Jason Wood or anyone on the NAPD.

I'm am not trying to embarass him either as of this morning at 5am all of Berkshire county knows about this anyway and his non renewal of contract has been known to us for a week.Although the reason why was not known until early today.

If I had to make a guess he'll take a job with an upstate NY sheriff's dept where this story is less known and the local council's aren't stocked with woke SJW's


Hoosac_Love OP t1_je5ovfx wrote

If they had an affair with a student they are losing more than just a job.

I'm not defending adultry per say ,I just feel this is more woke SJW's mindless police persecution.

In Amherst three or four long time officers have taken a pay cut to work at other departments because they were so persecuted by the Woke's of Amherst.


Hoosac_Love OP t1_je4kq0o wrote

Why is such small towns news is even a discussion and week old news is being posted now? Good question,the answer to the second question is that just this morning the reason why has been discovered and this also answers the first question as well.

This was over a off duty extra marital affair on the Chief's personal time.

The question is that should amoral or imoral behavior that happens on personal time and does not effect a job be reason for dismissal.

Bill Clinton committed adultry and kept his job,if you recall the impeachment trial was for lying about the affair to congresss (perjury) not for the Lewinski incident in and of itself.

Was Chief Wood treated fairly by Mayor Macksey???
