HouseOfSteak t1_iws5sx6 wrote
Reply to comment by bigfor4 in New psychology research rebuts Sigmund Freud's "wrecked by success" hypothesis: People with exceptionally successful careers tend to be healthier than their less successful peers by HeinieKaboobler
I'm not actually assuming that. I figured you meant 'so common' as 'regular people who read a thing and don't put much effort into it', or 'first-year philosophy students that think they know more than they do', as opposed to referring to researchers who supposedly should know what they're doing.
There was a comment somewhere in this post about how an entire class decided to argue about 'privileged' and class, when the entire hold-up was a misunderstanding of the word 'privileged' in a court room setting. I'm pulling this from memory from hours ago since I can't find the original comment.
I figured you were referring to something like that.
HouseOfSteak t1_iwphbl1 wrote
Reply to comment by bigfor4 in New psychology research rebuts Sigmund Freud's "wrecked by success" hypothesis: People with exceptionally successful careers tend to be healthier than their less successful peers by HeinieKaboobler
Because language evolved and we're getting different meanings off of what someone wrote over 80 years ago?
Without a proper primer on the meanings of very important terms and the differences in their definitions from 80 years ago and now, it's no surprise that people would naturally come to the wrong conclusions despite making no errors.
HouseOfSteak t1_iwpgzeg wrote
Reply to comment by FiestaBeans in New psychology research rebuts Sigmund Freud's "wrecked by success" hypothesis: People with exceptionally successful careers tend to be healthier than their less successful peers by HeinieKaboobler
Where is groupthink less common? One might expect that it should be less common in academia and be disappointed that it isn't and thus percieve a greater amount due to the discrepency between expectations and reality, but I'm not getting any ideas that others are faring particularly better.
HouseOfSteak t1_ivypde4 wrote
Reply to comment by HiveMynd148 in Through solar power, India saved burning 19.4 million tonnes of coal in the first half of this year: Report by starwolf_98
By having over 4x India's GDP while also being a developing country and producing ~28.5% of the world's stuff.
HouseOfSteak t1_ivx67va wrote
Reply to comment by domthedumb in Through solar power, India saved burning 19.4 million tonnes of coal in the first half of this year: Report by starwolf_98
Hydroelectric dams go brrrr
HouseOfSteak t1_ivx5lq4 wrote
Reply to comment by Mithrandir2k16 in Through solar power, India saved burning 19.4 million tonnes of coal in the first half of this year: Report by starwolf_98
About 2%. ~966M consumption/year.
HouseOfSteak t1_itnqj8a wrote
Reply to comment by masterpainimeanbetty in happy pizza by simbako258
The delivery guy is also a mimic.
Maybe or may not be the same mimic.
HouseOfSteak t1_itjmqk4 wrote
Reply to the pumpkin incident by Used-Ad2517
When the guardian angel has a bit of a glamour problem.
HouseOfSteak t1_isx8am8 wrote
Reply to The favorite son (by me) by Mike-95
And then he's got the most ordinary, everyman voice you could possibly hear.
HouseOfSteak t1_isf0jwa wrote
And watch as this gets drowned out so that the powers that be can push sectarian-nationalistic ideals.
In fact, it probably won't get drowned out, they'll probably just blame the 'other' for not feeding their own people.
HouseOfSteak t1_isf0b6s wrote
Reply to comment by Proregressive in India Falls To 107 From 101 In Global Hunger Index, Behind Pak, Nepal by [deleted]
It's also easy to be malnurished when you're poor as fuck (and 1/6 of them are illiterate which doesn't help) and can't afford eggs or meat even if you wanted to.
HouseOfSteak t1_isezeto wrote
Reply to comment by zomangel in India Falls To 107 From 101 In Global Hunger Index, Behind Pak, Nepal by [deleted]
Just remember this:
Being #1 in Hunger is not #1 in Food Security.
HouseOfSteak t1_irmjkey wrote
Reply to THE WITCH by thebrokenartist
you could probably just drop that into the Madoka series and nobody would bat an eye.
HouseOfSteak t1_ix5js65 wrote
Reply to comment by flippythemaster in Jack Daniel’s asks Supreme Court to hear dog toy dispute. Will they bite? by WREGnewschannel3
Won't stop 'em from trying.