
HouseOfSteak t1_j6hapo0 wrote

Fine, that was a typo. I meant the one to Pakistan that you mentioned right from the start.

>And do you really think we are idiots to take a deal if it's beneficial to us. ?

.....I assume this is a typo.

You're supposed to take deals that are beneficial to you - it's a rationally sound decision. Why wouldn't you?

>But with every US deal beneficial there is a larger US deed where we come out as losers

Do you have any actual evidence that the US has had over $15B in defense trade with Pakistan in a single decade compared to the defense trade with India?

Just another claim that you refuse to give the slightest bit of context to.

>And I did my digging for my claims

Sure you did. Which is why you have yet to actually give any workable identifying information to mostly anything you said.

Seriously, the most actual information of substance that you have was the 450m number, and you were incorrect because that wasn't free aid - it was a sale for the f16 package.


HouseOfSteak t1_j6ha6pb wrote

Oh fun, you went from 'they (at one point) funded the Taliban' (the only accurate statement you've made so far) to.....the attack was caused by an actual US.....anty(?) terrorism agent.


Do you have any actual proof to back up a claim of this magnitude, or are you going to attempt personal insults again?


HouseOfSteak t1_j6h749n wrote

>$450 package to India

The one you mentioned.

I copy-pasted exactly what you said, and I found the word 'sale' in most reports regarding it. Pay attention to your own info.

>If they like pakistani money why are they trying to friends with India now ?

Because the US wants to cut Russia off and will happily supply India's needs, if it so wants - and counter to your narratives, is.

Pay attention to current events.

>Yup, they got a lot of free aid. Just google

No, I'm not going to go digging up your own claims for you.


And that's the sign that you have nothing left to add.


HouseOfSteak t1_j6h6tpu wrote

The 2011 blasts that left 26 dead were indeed Indian Mujahideen.

However, that was NOT the biggest terrorist attack ever as the previous poster stated. Domestic terrorist incidents have taken many times that many lives - such as the Assam violence, the Punjab killings, the Manipur Ambush, Rafiganj train wreck, etc. - the list sadly goes on.


India has a substantial domestic terrorism problem, as you can probably see. Most of the worst is the pre-counterterrorism era.


HouseOfSteak t1_j6h5abl wrote

That $450 package to India wasn't 'aid' either. It was also 'trade'.

>because US liked the smell of our money

And, in the same vein, they don't just like Pakistani money and therefore it can be dismissed out of hand, or is this special now?

>Did they give anything as aid or free ?

You think Pakistan got shit for free? Who told you this crap LMAO

>We paid dearly with your counter terrorism agent became and participated in the biggest terrier attack we have ever seen.

The biggest terrorist attacks in India was by the Tripuri insurgents (500 dead) Indian mafia (257 dead), actually. Over 30 years ago on both accounts. All homegrown terrorism, and all that.

You're going to need to be a wee bit more specific.....or just even remotely accurate. Seriously, this hyperbole nonsense is just sad. Come on.

>The mujahudheen and Taliban US founded and funded is the root cause of almost all of the attacks responsible.

Almost all attacks, except for the ones that aren't.

Also.....Taliban, US-founded? OK seriously, who's telling you this bullshit?

I mean, let alone the fact that India is treating the Taliban like a properly recognized ruling entity and not a terrorist one when they attended talks with other Soviet powers. Instead of, y'know, the terrorists that they are.


HouseOfSteak t1_j6h3jko wrote

Which was after the US sale of Poseidon P-8's to India?

Seems like India is happy for 'US help' when it comes to weaponry and other defense trade (which exceeded $15B in a decade). India also seems quite happy to recieve American support for counterterrorism operations.

I suppose this doesn't consider the whole US aid to India over HIV and Covid, either?


You say 'no', but India it says 'yes'.


HouseOfSteak t1_j5g6h7p wrote

Ideally, the venue should not allow you to become intoxicated at all and should - lightly and politely - cut you off or slow you down the moment they get an idea that you're starting to get tipsy.

The venue and server has already made a mistake if the customer is not sober, everything after that is effectively damage control via persuasion and a line with the police (remember, public intoxication is illegal) before they can do something stupid.


It's a definitely a difficult situation to manage.


HouseOfSteak t1_j5g3s60 wrote

Given the jurisdiction.....she'd very well have a case.

SmartServe training in Ontario teaches you that you're liable for a customer's safety right up until they're sober. Even if you call a cab, get them home, and they trip over a their own porch and smack their head against the doorstep.

It's kinda over-the-top, but them's really the rules.


It doesn't excuse criminal behaviour or fines related to such, of course. But there are fines for the establishment, and they do suck.


HouseOfSteak t1_j44cdaz wrote

For people who don't want to go through an ugly website, someone posted a video on the subject of some of their advertising.

  1. Literally bribed some game journalists via cheques - real money, by the way. Greed.
  2. Made a fake game ad about a fake game about going to church. Heresy.
  3. Made a 'Sin to Win' by trying to get people to be lustful at Comicon for cash and....other 'pleasures'. Obviously, Lust and Greed.
  4. Rick-Rolled other games journalists. With a box. That would only stop of the box was violently destroyed - hammer provided in the parcel. Wrath.
  5. Church protestors were going around a gaming convention talking about how satanic the game is. Except the Church was fake, and the protestors may or may not have all been paid actors. Lies and MORE Heresy.

HouseOfSteak t1_iydz8la wrote

Yes. I didn't suggest otherwise.


However, 'just having a fire alarm' isn't enough, they need to actually be spaced appropriately. A smoke alarm in the hallway above your bedroom will not inform you of a fire in the laundry room until it is very, very late.


HouseOfSteak t1_iydiipz wrote

Also ensure your smoke alarms are spread throughout the house and will go off before the fire breaks into the room.


Some dogs have saved their owners from fires in houses with ablaze rooms that didn't reach the smoke alarm until after the fire suddenly shot through the rest of the home and then finally got to an alarm.

That's also assuming you don't sleep through the alarm accidentally, but not the dog going ballistic.


HouseOfSteak t1_ixuiw7z wrote

Then Iran responds with the big guns and now there's a full-blown civil war with thousands dead a day, millions fleeing the country, even more unrest throughout the region which terrorists will take advantage of, and a new migrant crisis for Europe to deal with.



Do I need a /s?