
t1_iudws66 wrote

Yea, reckless spending causing massive inflation. Forced lockdowns for way too long causing supply shortages. Couple those together and you have tanked the economy. Not to mention forcing kids to stay out of school causing learning loss across the country. And their stupid forced vaccination attempts which further disrupted the supply chain. Now they’re sending us straight into a recession causing the stock market to take a giant dump, and their weakness they display across the globe makes these deranged world leaders feel empowered to start doing shit like invading the Ukraine.

I like the way you frame it like republicans vote for anti price gouging, inflation production act etc.

The republicans voted against more massive government spending, not against all those cute compassionate things you mentioned. Stop the spending, stop the bleeding.


t1_iudvzxn wrote

  1. Because the democrats want to push their green liberal dreams on us well before we’re actually ready for it. Also don’t act like a bozo.. gas prices were less than $3 for years before the pAnDeMiC.

  2. The inflation narrative is being spread far and wide because democrat policies have give us the highest inflation in 40 years and it is hurting everyone especially the poor. Obviously.

  3. If we’ve had the ability to make 100 mpg cars for 30/40 years, that tells me the EPA and government has failed, because they have allowed that not to happen. Let’s cut funding!

  4. I’ll vote for whoever the fuck I want and yes the current predicament is the cause of democrats.


t1_iu5s5at wrote

No. On day one of the Biden administration they began the phasing out of fossil fuels, which he campaigned on. The democrats have cut domestic production in favor of buying it from adversaries and hostile regimes, and our democrat representatives have greenlit his agenda. Maybe we wouldn’t have to beg Saudi Arabia for oil if we would allow production at home instead. There is a reason why the price of energy started climbing in 2021, a whole year after the pandemic broke out.

I keep hearing this silly excuse from our democrat representatives, that big oil is doing this on purpose to make record profits and exploit us and that they have more capacity that they are choosing not to use. Simple question - if that is so, then why would they not use the additional capacity to price gouge and make even more record profits? Because it’s nonsense. They have told these companies they will be out of business in a few years, and then act shocked when prices are raised or they refuse to expand operations. Why in the world would oil companies invest in their businesses just to close down in the next decade? It’s silly. It’s democrat policies coming home to roost.


t1_iu5boxg wrote

Women aren’t even women to the democrats anymore. They are “birthing people”, “those with uteruses” and “those capable of menstruating”. The party of science says a man can dress as a woman and is now a woman.

Just stop. No one cares. They care about every day issues, not hypersensitive liberal crybaby crap. This is why the R’s will win. Trying to paint KL as a misogynist is laughably stupid.
