
Hoyarugby t1_j254dew wrote

The photos of the crime scene leaked - the way it was described did not match the reality. The body was "in a freezer", but there was blood everywhere and it looked like the person was dumped there very recently. Media coverage made it sound like it was a serial killer and we're just finding a body now after they'd been dead for months, not at all what the scene looked like


Hoyarugby t1_j253jtg wrote

In the fantastic book Ghettoside about gun violence in america, the "protagonist" of the book, an LAPD detective, argues that a 30% clearance rate is actually even worse than it looks. He classes ~30% of murders as "self solvers" - murders that don't require much, if any, investigating to solve. Stuff like murder-suicides, cases where the shooting happened in front of a cop, cases where the killer walked into the police station to confess. A clearance rate of 30-40% in practice means that only a few murders beyond those self-solvers are actually getting solved

The book also discusses how low clearance rates create low clearance rates - instead of expecting the state to solve the murder of their friends/family, individuals instead take vigilante justice into their own hands, but this reality just creates cycles of violence and leads to accidental killing of bystanders and misidentified people

Can't recommend the book enough - though it's depressing because it was written in the first half of this decade when murders were steeply declining nationwide, and concludes on an optimistic note. Whereas now nationally we're at levels we haven't seen since the 90s


Hoyarugby t1_j0zs40l wrote

Glad this is still going through - the head of NJ's legislature was a big booster of this, and in 2021 he lost his seat to a republican who spent like $100 or something absurd. There were fears that north NJ dems who were not enthused with the project might join with the GOP to kill it

Though I really wish the US would adopt international standards. Design-build is a bad system that just makes our infrastructure more expensive and hollows out the state capacity of transit agencies and governments. Internationally the state DOT would design the plans, then bid for companies who wanted to build it. Here we pay to outsource designs, pay to outsource evaluation of those designs, then take bids to build it


Hoyarugby t1_it7g5yk wrote

Ah, the vet. When I was a kid it was the only stadium I had ever been to, and my dad usually got tickets up in the nosebleeds, where the bathroom situation was most dire. I thought it was normal in stadiums that people peed in the sinks as well as the toilets until I was a teenager


Hoyarugby t1_it4fv4t wrote

Reply to comment by pcomet235 in Biden/Fetterman today? by PhillyPanda

Eh, genuinely some of it is people who are inclined to donate anyway but just want to feel more important. Especially at the senator or presidential level they've got people who can funnel much more their way

Its like a museum hosting a special reception for donors. Those donors are gonna be donating, they support the museum and its mission, but they want to feel good and important about doing it


Hoyarugby t1_it3n16d wrote

Reply to comment by snake_w_arms in Biden/Fetterman today? by PhillyPanda

Those fundraisers are always so strange. I logically do get that it's people who would be donating anyway and just want to get wined and dined a bit, but it's weird to see stuff like "Attendees can pay $10k to take a picture with XYZ". Especially when it's like, a congressional candidate and not the literal president


Hoyarugby t1_it3mbge wrote

Reply to comment by owwweee in Biden/Fetterman today? by PhillyPanda

There are two huge races here, it's a close trip, he's from the area, and his campaign was headquartered here, so all of those things make sense for him to visit frequently


Hoyarugby t1_it2ks1f wrote

Biden is going first to Pittsburgh to speak at the construction site of that bridge that collapsed last year, then is flying here to do a joint fundraiser for Fetterman. Probably not open to the public

Per his official schedule he lands at 5:40, the reception is at 7, and he leaves at 8:10