Hufflepuff4Ever t1_iy4zd8z wrote
Reply to comment by IsADragon in Ireland Aims To Legalize Cannabis For Personal Use by seebz69
Oh I doubt he’d do anything to push it through, but not knocking it down straight away would definitely pull public opinion on his direction.
Hufflepuff4Ever t1_iy4vr0b wrote
Reply to comment by IsADragon in Ireland Aims To Legalize Cannabis For Personal Use by seebz69
Yea but isn’t Leo taking the main seat again next month. He announced the referendum on the 8th as one of his first acts as Taoiseach, so who knows. Would help win back some of the public after the GP contract leak
Hufflepuff4Ever t1_iujym7t wrote
Reply to comment by squirt619 in Julia Roberts reveals Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King paid the hospital bill for her birth by ety3rd
Actually, Gayle King did…..
Hufflepuff4Ever t1_iye6913 wrote
Reply to I like making cute things out of wool, I hope it helps your hump day a bit! by growup_andblowaway