
HumanOrAlien t1_iu9hric wrote

I read the article and it uses the logic of HOTD to define how races should work in LOTR. In HOTD they are telling the story of a family or dynasty and the race of the characters is important to be kept in a line which signifies blood relations.

There are some flaws with the storytelling of ROP for sure but diverse casting isn't one of them. This continued discussion on the diversity in ROP is becoming stale now and people (including the author) should move on from it.


HumanOrAlien t1_iu9dt6r wrote

I didn't see any issues with the diverse casting on either of the shows. None of them felt on the nose to me personally. I don't like this continuous comparison between these two shows as I believe they are different types of shows even though they are telling fantasy stories. One show is focused on the drama and the other is more focused on the fantasy elements. It's an unfair comparison as the source materials for both differ very much and these articles at this point are getting ridiculous and most probably being created as clickbait and nothing else.


HumanOrAlien t1_isx8r88 wrote

Hulu's ad-enabled service is also successful because there's no compromise in video quality between the ad-enabled and the ad-free versions. That's not the case on Netflix. You'll get a downgraded video quality if you go from the Standard or the Ultra plan to 'Basic with Ads'.