HumanityIsTheDevi1 t1_jdowbbj wrote
Reply to comment by mookybelltolls in Has Anyone Ever Explored the Closed-Off Interior of Liberty State Park? by ReeseCommaBill
Hexavalent chromium aka Cr6+…. shoes, forget shoes airborne contamination is the bigger concern.
HumanityIsTheDevi1 t1_jdffplu wrote
Reply to comment by allugo1211 in 902 Brewing to host Paul Fireman backed event by el_tigrox
This person needs a dictionary and a map. “Defame” and “None of you people”. Might be a Fireman puppet
HumanityIsTheDevi1 t1_jdcrqc3 wrote
Reply to comment by BrewedInJerseyCity in 902 Brewing to host Paul Fireman backed event by el_tigrox
I hear Donald Trump is looking to hold his next rally at 902.
HumanityIsTheDevi1 t1_j9uzn7u wrote
-Bike JC Ward Tour/Light Up Rides
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HumanityIsTheDevi1 t1_j58ni77 wrote
JCPD was investigated by several federal agencies for their corruption… full stop. This is the first link and google the rest. Fuck the original question… it should be how corrupt is JCPD?
HumanityIsTheDevi1 t1_ivn25g1 wrote
Reply to Just saw the Governor in JC by [deleted]
Never had the delayed reaction that you suffered from. The correct and instant response should have been to tell him to fuck of on his LSP and Turnpike police.
HumanityIsTheDevi1 t1_jdpel0w wrote
Reply to comment by versus_gravity in Has Anyone Ever Explored the Closed-Off Interior of Liberty State Park? by ReeseCommaBill
Ummmm.. contamination can be sequestered in solid and/or liquid(ground water). Most likely released via disturbance. UXO is a separate issue. I get it you’re an idiot that didn’t read the link you posted.