
IAmTheBredman t1_jd3yjfl wrote

Maybe you should reread OP's post. The last line they literally say it's unnatural for people to treat women and other races as equals, which is completely untrue. That is a learned behaviour. Also just the entire premise of the post is to ask if it's weird to have equality in shows lol, if you weren't bothered by it you wouldn't bring it up


IAmTheBredman t1_jd3twyu wrote

This reads as "I'm trying to hide my shitty opinions behind twisted logic".

In the case of thr last of us, why the fuck would anyone care what gender or race you are? Most of the world is dead or infected and in order to survive you need to get along with anyone still breathing.

It's also not helpful for the modern day world to continue to reinforce bigoted ideals. I'd much rather forego a degree of "realism" in order to allow people of all walks of life be involved in the project and normalize the idea that every single person is equal to the viewers. Cause apparently there's still some fuckheads who haven't figured that out