IAmTheClayman t1_jdt496m wrote
Reply to A 4 door corvette by QuantityExpert4349
Jesus H Christ that’s an ugly job
IAmTheClayman t1_jdbx5yk wrote
Reply to A 90-year-old tortoise named Mr. Pickles just became a father of 3. It's a big 'dill' by Two-in-the-Belfry
That pun in the headline made me half sour
IAmTheClayman t1_jd24ynp wrote
Reply to Guessdle | Play 20 questions with GPT-4 by No_Yak8345
I asked it if it was a carbohydrate. It said yes. The answer was blueberries 🤦♂️
IAmTheClayman t1_jbzm5zu wrote
Just a reminder that getting “cancelled” isn’t a thing, but the will of the public very much is. The BBC and supporters of the anti-asylum bill have publicly demonstrated that they are in the minority, and attempting to punish Lineker has backfired on the BBC in a major way.
Difficult position for them to be in given the way their funding works, but the smart thing to do would have been not to take any action before seeing which way the wind was blowing
IAmTheClayman t1_j6tc8om wrote
Reply to Meet Lonnie Johnson, the NASA engineer that invented the Super Soaker. Now he's working to help solve climate change with his latest inventions, a solid state battery as well as an entirely new type of engine. by captainquirk
Slightly disappointed his solution to global warming isn’t just a giant super soaker
IAmTheClayman t1_j6iklwk wrote
Reply to comment by DutchNotSleeping in Rick Astley sues Yung Gravy over alleged Never Gonna Give You Up imitation by redlightist
Right, except YG got an interpolation license from the rights holder, which means he was legally allowed to recreate the song. Rick Astley is arguing that just his voice is a separate, protected asset, and that YG was not allowed to imitate it.
In the US at least I’ve never heard of that being a thing, and if it is a thing in UK law I would argue that YG doesn’t sound anything like Rick Astley on his song. He’s singing the same notes, but the tone and quality of his voice sounds nothing like the original
IAmTheClayman t1_j6gyczs wrote
Reply to comment by blacklite911 in Rick Astley sues Yung Gravy over alleged Never Gonna Give You Up imitation by redlightist
Because it’s a pretty ridiculous lawsuit. Astley is arguing that Yung Gravy is copying his vocal patterns.
A) that’s not actually something protected by copyright, trademark, or any other law, and
B) you’d have to be completely tone deaf to think YG came anywhere close to sounding like him.
Now joking aside, it seems that YG did correctly get a license to interpolate the original song (meaning he has access to the original composition but needs to record everything from scratch, versus sampling where you just use a snippet of the original recording). The lawsuit argues that Astley’s distinct voice is a resource protected under “right to publicity”, which is something I’ve never heard of in the US so maybe it’s a UK-specific law
IAmTheClayman t1_j67mr1s wrote
Reply to comment by ProbablyDoesntLikeU in 6 doctors swallowed Lego heads for science. Time intervals were given a Found and Retrieved Time (FART) score and effects documented. Here's what came out by mrhoppy_
Dude I’m a game designer. I’m not nearly smart or talented enough to be a scientist.
That said, that’s some solid false equivalency. Great food critics aren’t all great chefs. Most movie critics have never directed a film. Also I was mainly making a joke buddy
IAmTheClayman t1_j67kwwz wrote
Reply to 6 doctors swallowed Lego heads for science. Time intervals were given a Found and Retrieved Time (FART) score and effects documented. Here's what came out by mrhoppy_
So just checking, where are we at on that cure for cancer? Global food stability? The island of trash in the Pacific?
Thanks scientists for tackling the big issue here
IAmTheClayman t1_j5n1ejs wrote
Reply to comment by m_bilal93 in PsBattle: Cat standing with arms raised in a V by ntack9933
If only I could be so grossly incandescent
IAmTheClayman t1_j4jca1o wrote
Reply to [Rick and Morty] With the allegations of Justin Roiland, is Rick & Morty a bad show to watch? by Thatfatbastard00
So we really shouldn’t be engaging with this argument, because the “Godlessness” already implies the OP has drawn a very pearl-clutching conclusion, but for the sake of argument I’m gonna wade in.
Rick and Morty is a project made by many people. There are two major showrunners between Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland. They head up a writers room that changes from episode to episode, but generally consists of about a half dozen people each episode. Different directors come in to work on episodes, with some repeats but lots of one-and-dones. And then there’s the voice actors, who appear to also contribute to last minute dialogue choices.
While Justin’s voice is obviously a major part of the show given his role, it’s just a part. He’s not secretly slipping in messaging that at least a dozen other people in the production pipeline have missed. Everyone involved has signed off on what is being made. What’s more, most plots are the brainchild of Harmon rather than Roiland by the duo’s own admission, and in recent seasons they’ve handed more of the reigns over to their senior writers.
Is Justin Roiland not a great guy? If the allegations are true, yeah he’s definitely got issues to work out and I’ll have lost a significant amount of respect for him as a person. But Dan Harmon also has a lot of baggage between his history of alcoholism and unwarranted sexual advances, but he is supposedly much better now and has made amends with those he harmed.
But overanalyzing the show in light of this news is just silly. If you don’t want to like Justin Roiland the alleged domestic violence would be reason enough, don’t go reaching for more reasons when you’ve got justification right there
IAmTheClayman t1_j2xqd23 wrote
Yeah, the type of parents who have £2700 to spend on a stroller aren’t the ones pushing it. They leave that to the help /s
IAmTheClayman t1_j1scowj wrote
Is it a little funky in spots now? Sure, especially with what’s come to light about Whedon. But you can’t deny just how important it was when it was on air, both to the people who watched it (inspiring a lot of people to get into acting or pursue filmmaking) and to other shows getting produced (the Doctor Who revival likely would not have happened if not for Buffy).
IAmTheClayman t1_j1nv1q0 wrote
Reply to comment by monkeyskin in How do you define filler? by monkeyskin
I love that episode! But I think that’s an example of an episode that comes off as filler, but is actually critical to Jake and Holt’s relationship when you really stop and analyze it
IAmTheClayman t1_j1nreg8 wrote
Reply to How do you define filler? by monkeyskin
If it’s serialized, the answer is easy: any episode that doesn’t meaningfully move the plot or character relationships forward. That’s not an indicator of quality mind you - the episode “Ember Island Players” from Avatar: The Last Airbenders is total filler, but it also happens to be one of the funniest episodes in the series and a fan favorite.
Now if you’re talking episodic TV the answer is harder. If there isn’t an overarching plot, wouldn’t every episode technically be “filler?” I think in that case people do actually use the term as an indicator of quality, with bad episodes labeled as filler so that future watchers can know whether those episodes are skippable
IAmTheClayman t1_j1exujm wrote
If it changes to read Air Speed it means you’ve accidentally driven off a cliff
IAmTheClayman t1_j1bmrwn wrote
Reply to This Christmas tree can play animations by seanhodgins
…play Doom on it
IAmTheClayman t1_j14t9ol wrote
“Quick, we need to churn out an article before the holiday break!”
“Uhhhhh, I know! I’ll write something about how the MCU show set during Christmas is good to rewatch at Christmas”
“Johnson, you genius! Someone’s getting a holiday bonus”
(FR though, I liked Hawkeye but this might be the laziest in a long line of lazy Collider articles)
IAmTheClayman t1_j0mnkzn wrote
Reply to History-making Asian American soccer player describes his journey to self-acceptance | Kellyn Acosta, the first Asian American to appear in the World Cup for the USMNT, described how others have dismissed his Japanese heritage, and the harmful stereotypes around Asians and sports. by AsslessBaboon
LAFC represent! Kellyn is amazing on and off the field, so happy he’s getting the recognition he deserves
IAmTheClayman t1_iyhyt2m wrote
That’s like asking Hannibal Lecter how to suppress your cannibalistic urges
IAmTheClayman t1_iyeihxh wrote
Reply to comment by nemo1080 in Brazilian football legend Pele taken to hospital, condition worsening by 777fer
Right? I could’ve sworn he died in the 90s
IAmTheClayman t1_ixsrpf1 wrote
Saved! Did not know this existed, that is some glorious 80s design
IAmTheClayman t1_ix5d07d wrote
They also force migrant workers into indentured servitude, where their employers hold their passports and work documents to ensure they can’t leave the country. I believe there have also been reports of people then selling these documents to each other, meaning that the workers have to follow whoever their papers get sold to
IAmTheClayman t1_ix2qm1w wrote
Good. They were really obnoxious going on and on about .TIFF
IAmTheClayman t1_je3t9t9 wrote
Reply to You ever notice how the brotherhoods who get stuff done...all seem to be the ones who are splinters? by CevicheLemon
The other BoS factions get stuff done… just not stuff the rest of the Wasteland likes