
ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_iy0aouq wrote

I looked it up and the website was added to seemingly most plates in 2003, so it makes sense it would have it given the tag.

The only license plates I can find with that coat of arms are those court plates I linked. So it seems fairly likely this a newer version of those older court plates (or another similar specific political position). If you have any other evidence, I’m all ears.


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_iwvyuik wrote

I know a guy similar to that. He kept getting DUIs and just kept driving. Eventually his license was suspended for like 20 years. At that point, he decided it would be better to just ride a motorcycle instead, that way he could go into fields and runaway from the cops. He managed that successfully and got his license back a few years ago. He’s a meth head now.


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_iwvurqv wrote

There’s a name for this sort of thing, i wanna say resonant frequency. It’s basically the same as breaking a class with your voice. If you hit the right frequency, the glass breaks. You can do the same with lots of computer stuff too. There’s even that story of that Janet Jackson song that would brick laptops because the bass hit just the right frequency that the hard drive (I think) breaks. Pretty cool stuff.

Edit: it’s actually called vibration resonance


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_ivu7m1h wrote

I’m just talking about recreational. They’ve had multiple opportunities, even bills from within their own party, and they refuse.

The speaker of the house cried on the floor when the medical bill was passed, so they didn’t even have the whole party’s support then either. And they only passed that because the program is a blatant corporate cash grab. When they do inevitably decide to legalize rec, it’ll also be a corporate cash grab lol. It is inevitable though.


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_ivqi58o wrote

Yeah, that’s basically what I said. But it doesn’t really change much. They’ve pushed forward multiple weed bills that republicans killed. Sure, they never passed out of the house, but the message is the same—“republicans killed this weed bill.”

I’m glad they took the house. It’s fantastic. I’m just being realistic in that nothing will happen weed wise until the GOP changes their mind. Just the way it is at the moment. Their base doesn’t care about weed enough to change their vote over it no either way, so they can ignore it all they want if they choose to.

Personally, I think it’s only a matter of time until they cave for the money. But the decision is ultimately up to them at this point, or the voters if we vote them all out.


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_ivpelh0 wrote

In PA, nothing can happen unless the GOP goes along with it. They have the PA house and senate. If they say no, that means no. It’s entirely up to them, just like it was with wolf in charge. Having fetterman in the senate is good at a federal level, but we’re still shit out of luck on a state level unless the GOP realizes it’s not 1950 anymore.


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_ivkt9hy wrote

Yeah, it is odd. I’m from a deep red area and my deeply conservative and kinda racist grandpa always took me with to vote. He’d even let me press the buttons on the machine. No even cared.

That said, the GOP of then is very different to the GOP of now. With all the election bullshit going on, I’m not surprised it’s a bit more contentious at the polls.
