ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_iuqcp2c wrote
Reply to comment by rogimonster in Writing in candidates for uncontested elections on your ballot for this upcoming November election by freshlysaltedwound
Here’s their website:
Basically just libertarians with a focus on ranked choice voting.
ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_itwmp9x wrote
Reply to comment by Rysline in PA Senate unanimously passes drivers license reform by Conspiracy_risk
And have for decades straight. I love how people point out the dysfunction in our state and ignore that the GOP has had total control of the state house and senate for decades.
ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_itqvh96 wrote
Reply to comment by Nitr0Sage in Activists Call on T-Mobile to Stop Providing Service to Guantánamo Bay by theworkeragency
US telecoms be like, “what’s Nebraska?”
ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_iseebbr wrote
Reply to comment by JaceTheWoodSculptor in Two unreleased and 'never digitized' NES games are up for auction on eBay by thebelsnickle1991
He doesn’t it have it anymore lol. He promised to release it if Trump won in 2016, didn’t, then tried to sell it. The DOJ took it before the sale went through when he got arrested and auctioned it off. It got purchased by some NFT company that says they want to release it but still haven’t like a year later.
ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_is81std wrote
Parking is an absolute cluster fuck. I am baffled that their parking situation for concerts was even approved.
You have to park across the street (which is busy), and very far away. So you walk like a half mile to cross the road, but then that backs up because it’s a busy road and there’s so many people. Then you gotta walk to the entrance which is on the other side of the venue from the path lol.
Leaving is a mess as always. Exits aren’t marked well, not enough people controlling traffic, and they route some of the exits to windy back roads.
Despite that, it is a decent venue and cool spot to see a show. My recommendation is as follows:
Get there early. You don’t need to be there hours in advance or anything, but at least try to get there like an hour before the show starts. Then you won’t be rushing to get in on time.
Take note of where you parked. Use Google maps or one of those find my car apps. Pretty obvious tip, but it’s very easy to forget where you parked in a huge empty field, especially if you indulge in some party favors.
Don’t wait until the show is actually over to leave. If the artist does an encore (which most do; just double check via, leave when they start the encore or the last song of the encore. It’s usually the “big hit” anyways. That’ll give you enough time to get a head start and make it out before it gets backed up. And if you really want to see the encore, here’s a pro-tip for Hershey:
Leave when they start it, and then head back on the path towards the parking lot (you’ll know exactly what I mean when you walk to the venue). There’s a spot on the side there where you have a clear view of the stage and can hear great. You can watch the encore from there, and you still got a big enough head start to avoid the traffic jam.
ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_is74keu wrote
Reply to comment by DreadBarbie in Two unreleased and 'never digitized' NES games are up for auction on eBay by thebelsnickle1991
I’m just saying that the dude got out of prison and went straight to Reddit, so the hope that he’ll stay off social media is in vain lol
ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_is70imj wrote
Reply to comment by iampuh in Two unreleased and 'never digitized' NES games are up for auction on eBay by thebelsnickle1991
I hate to tell you this, but he was already on Reddit getting fanboyed over on WallStreetBet right after getting out…
ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_is6i1x8 wrote
Reply to comment by Tronguy93 in Two unreleased and 'never digitized' NES games are up for auction on eBay by thebelsnickle1991
Well, Martin shrikeli is out of prison
ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_is6ex4n wrote
Reply to ‘Dune: The Sisterhood’: ‘Game Of Thrones’ Star Indira Varma Joins HBO Max Prequel Series As Empress Natalya by MarvelsGrantMan136
I thought she was pretty good in Kenobi despite the shitty writing in the show. Hopefully she gets a better chance to shine here.
ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_ivkt9hy wrote
Reply to comment by itsmethebirb in Considered voter intimidation? I took my son with me like always, and this time was watched. by itsmethebirb
Yeah, it is odd. I’m from a deep red area and my deeply conservative and kinda racist grandpa always took me with to vote. He’d even let me press the buttons on the machine. No even cared.
That said, the GOP of then is very different to the GOP of now. With all the election bullshit going on, I’m not surprised it’s a bit more contentious at the polls.