IWearACharizardHat t1_j2us29m wrote
Reply to comment by Difficult-Speech-270 in The man who was born to be World Champion fulfils his destiny, as Michael Smith defeats Michael van Gerwen 7-4 to claim the biggest prize in darts and become world number one! by carnifex2005
Are the triples harder to hit than a bullseye? I kind of wish the optimum strategy was to always go for the bullseye, though I understand there isn't room for that many darts if they both need to keep throwing at it
IWearACharizardHat t1_ir28iuy wrote
Reply to comment by runningraleigh in [Image]Its okay to have bad time by chickenBothrops
You realize that survivor bias is a type of confirmation bias?
IWearACharizardHat t1_ir1pqzk wrote
Reply to comment by NewPCBuilder2019 in [Image]Its okay to have bad time by chickenBothrops
Confirmation bias, the ones that aren't optimistic about shit circumstances end up dead
IWearACharizardHat t1_j2w1e6j wrote
Reply to comment by irze in The man who was born to be World Champion fulfils his destiny, as Michael Smith defeats Michael van Gerwen 7-4 to claim the biggest prize in darts and become world number one! by carnifex2005
Right so basically the bullseye requires more skill than the other spots that are targeted. Disappointing. A variation with darts closer to classic archery arrows where you could physically split the opponent's to steal a bullseye would be much more entertaining to watch even if actually designing them that way for home usage isn't rational.