IamSauerKraut t1_j9ju5tl wrote
Reply to comment by Western_Ad9334 in Republican Doug Mastriano told supporters he didn't get any money from Ohio derailment train operator Norfolk Southern. Records show he took $1,000. by Pennzingers
Lies about the heroic location of Sgt. York...
IamSauerKraut t1_j9ju39r wrote
Reply to comment by AgentDaxis in Republican Doug Mastriano told supporters he didn't get any money from Ohio derailment train operator Norfolk Southern. Records show he took $1,000. by Pennzingers
Takes the cash while in the house of the Lord, then lies thru his teeth to deny his sin.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9jtydr wrote
Reply to comment by Phillipinsocal in Republican Doug Mastriano told supporters he didn't get any money from Ohio derailment train operator Norfolk Southern. Records show he took $1,000. by Pennzingers
He is kinda worthless, his ego notwithstanding.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9jtoi5 wrote
Letort or Yellow Breeches in Cumberland County.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9jtkyv wrote
Reply to comment by Ericrobertson1978 in English teacher's sexuality curriculum showing kids by Rustybolts_
If Moms for Freedumb and their ilk continue their attacks on other people's kids and the public schools, the result is that the curious (99% of the teenage population) will get their curiosity satisfied in the dark corner of the web or in a closet instead of learning about these things in the somewhat controlled environment of the school library.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9jt2lp wrote
Reply to comment by dratseb in Pa. House Speaker Rozzi headed for clash with Senate Republicans on abuse survivors' bill by ewyorksockexchange
>Stop trying to defend and protect pedos
The issue re SOL and "the people's business" relates directly to the work of Shapiro, Rozzi and others as to coverups within the Catholic Church. Not about Epstein, Clinton, donnie dumpster fire, Gaetz or any Windsor. Does the proposed amendment even affect those guys? Your reddit front page is irrelevant.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9ii0ug wrote
Reply to comment by SunOutrageous6098 in What are the rules on signing multiple nominating petitions? by Guerlaingal
But! If you are a democrat, for most races you can only sign the petitions of democrats. Same with republicans. Only exception may be mag/dist judge.
Also, for school board races, a republican can sign only the petition circulated by a republican. Same for democrats. Example: if you are a republican and the petition is being circulated by a democrat, you can not sign that petition. (Well,, you can put your signature on that petition but it can be challenged in court.)
IamSauerKraut t1_j9ihgcn wrote
Reply to comment by OkRoll3915 in Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro says his office made a criminal referral in East Palestine train derailment by randomnighmare
DeWine has been front and center, too. Not shirking his duties.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9ibx1f wrote
Reply to comment by dratseb in Pa. House Speaker Rozzi headed for clash with Senate Republicans on abuse survivors' bill by ewyorksockexchange
Frankly, the vast majority of the pederasts are dead. Passing legislation will not keep similar types from kids.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9fi9vd wrote
Reply to comment by tim0767 in What date is the downtown Pittsburgh St. Patty’s Day parade? by EllesAway
Beware the day after the March of Ides.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9fi8e5 wrote
Reply to comment by ShantyTed89 in What date is the downtown Pittsburgh St. Patty’s Day parade? by EllesAway
The Boston Irish do not hate that March 17 is called St. Patty's Day. Not at all.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9fi03s wrote
Reply to Pa. House Speaker Rozzi headed for clash with Senate Republicans on abuse survivors' bill by ewyorksockexchange
Rozzi has done his part. Time for him to step aside and allow for the Caucus to appoint its leader. Maybe they will retain him; maybe not. He kept the GQP from engaging in skullduggery; now it is time to get on with the rest of the people's business.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9fbrxy wrote
Reply to comment by 69FunnyNumberGuy420 in Off-duty police officer charged in shooting at DuBois bar by mrboozer
... and then there is the story of Jay Splain, the trigger happy PSP Trooper...
IamSauerKraut t1_j9fbeyk wrote
Reply to comment by Ericrobertson1978 in English teacher's sexuality curriculum showing kids by Rustybolts_
I was seeing worse things when I would sneak behind the counter to peak at the latest edition of Hustler...
IamSauerKraut t1_j9fb54y wrote
Reply to comment by brashendeavors in English teacher's sexuality curriculum showing kids by Rustybolts_
Rich parents send their kids to private school for 1) to get the kids out of their hair and/or 2) to show everyone else how rich and better than everyone else they are.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9fb0lk wrote
Reply to comment by markwusinich in English teacher's sexuality curriculum showing kids by Rustybolts_
Gubbament response: we'll just put a few books in the library.
Mums for Freedumb: that is unacceptable!
Kid: (no response cuz they went onto the internet while parent was yelling and screaming and carrying on about the gubbament in public education. found the really rancid stuff there. answered all the questions about own sexuality. and the sexuality of lots of other people.)
IamSauerKraut t1_j9fa5ny wrote
Reply to comment by Due-Set5398 in Gift for 10 year old by humbleaustin22
Red Ranger Rifle. Just don't shoot your eye out!
IamSauerKraut t1_j9fa1y5 wrote
Reply to Old 'Iron Bridge' in Ellsworth by pjmpjm7
They should have tried harder to keep the old iron bridges. Concrete replacements are ugly as hell. Totally lacking in character.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9dvfss wrote
Reply to Life in 1970s Maine by bugmoon
Go to your local library and ask to look at newspaper articles from the 1970's. Most will be on digital media, prolly.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9dv5u7 wrote
Reply to comment by mizshellytee in Life in 1970s Maine by bugmoon
They have a blurb about Joannie Benoit in high school but show a picture of her wearing her Bowdoin kit in the Boston Marathon 7 years later. I have a pic of Joannie in her Cape Elizabeth gear from 1974. She ran her 880 in the girls race faster than I ran mine in the boys race... Triple C conference.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9dkb8o wrote
Reply to comment by RitaPoole56 in Gift for 10 year old by humbleaustin22
Binocs and a bird book is what I gave one of mine at about that age.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9dk8sw wrote
Reply to comment by SheSellsSeaShells967 in Gift for 10 year old by humbleaustin22
That was a 9 y.o.
10 is too young to pole dance, imho. But give the kiddo a shopping trip at Lowe's next door!
IamSauerKraut t1_j9d5eqv wrote
Reply to comment by SpaceLord_Katze in Court ruling puts Pottstown Hospital back on the tax rolls by byndrsn
Maybe I did only read it last week; seems longer ago.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9d4e43 wrote
Reply to comment by SpaceLord_Katze in Court ruling puts Pottstown Hospital back on the tax rolls by byndrsn
The ruling was from a while ago; not seeing any appeal docketed higher up.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9jubg7 wrote
Reply to comment by UnKnOwN769 in Republican Doug Mastriano told supporters he didn't get any money from Ohio derailment train operator Norfolk Southern. Records show he took $1,000. by Pennzingers
Considering his source of funding came primarily from two large donors, $1,000 is significant. What is more important, tho, is his embrace of the latest lie.