IamSauerKraut t1_j9qv6j7 wrote
Reply to comment by Puzzleheaded_Rub858 in I am tracking and mapping observations of the mysterious odor and residue that is being reported across the Northeast. While most reports are concentrated in NY, I have heard anecdotal reports of the event in PA since the first night the odor cloud rolled in. by Ashamed-Reflection-9
Wasn't me! I swear! And I do not use any Axe products!
IamSauerKraut t1_j9qtwx8 wrote
Reply to comment by Rice_A_Roni_W in Stupid question. by Albitt
You can send OP a chat request.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9qtqkq wrote
Reply to comment by Machined042 in Stupid question. by Albitt
Best advice!
IamSauerKraut t1_j9qpe29 wrote
Reply to comment by nouveau_user in Central Bucks SD playing the victim card after losing their communications firm by Pennzingers
Penn, Temple, Villanova... more than we care to know.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9qp809 wrote
Reply to comment by berraberragood in Central Bucks SD playing the victim card after losing their communications firm by Pennzingers
Those 3 are first up in the May primary. Now is the time to get the 10 signatures needed to put yourself on the ballot for May. If you get more votes than 1 of those 3, there is one down.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9qoybc wrote
Reply to comment by berraberragood in Central Bucks SD playing the victim card after losing their communications firm by Pennzingers
Massive waste of taxpayer $$. Seems the conservatives on the SB do not know how to be fiscally conservative with other people's money. They should all resign.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9qonci wrote
Reply to comment by drxdrg08 in Central Bucks SD playing the victim card after losing their communications firm by Pennzingers
58k in bennies is off.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9qofn6 wrote
Reply to comment by Canopenerdude in Central Bucks SD playing the victim card after losing their communications firm by Pennzingers
>I still think the starting wages are criminally low,
CV is a bit lower than the Philly burb districts (lower even that Hershey or MT) but the cost of living in the midstate is much lower than in the burbs.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9qo7xq wrote
Reply to comment by Canopenerdude in Central Bucks SD playing the victim card after losing their communications firm by Pennzingers
>Neshaminy starts at 45k, so you'd have to be working a long while to get to six figures.
No, not really. Using steps and columns (extra ed + years in service), a new teacher can easily go above 50k for the school year.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9qnxuy wrote
Reply to comment by MoreHeartThanScars in Central Bucks SD playing the victim card after losing their communications firm by Pennzingers
>hire a skilled copywriter
A copywriter is not a PR person. Very different skill set.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9qnuz9 wrote
Reply to comment by Fall3n7s in Central Bucks SD playing the victim card after losing their communications firm by Pennzingers
>why would a school even need a PR person?
There are plenty of reasons. And many SD's have a PR person. But doing it the way the CB school board is doing it and at that price is absurd.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9qnnf5 wrote
Reply to comment by P3as_And_Carrots in Central Bucks SD playing the victim card after losing their communications firm by Pennzingers
>That’s $180,000 per year!
So much with being fiscally conservative. Wasting taxpayer $$ like that. gah!
IamSauerKraut t1_j9oknp0 wrote
Reply to comment by dubedube11 in Winter Storm by TheAshouwak
>The weather is moving west, smoke rises.
Yes, and the sun rises. But not from the west.
Satellite images of the smoke, and then the plume, did not show it moving west. But I've already been over this point.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9n99tv wrote
Reply to comment by 78FANGIRL in question regarding engine noise. by Machined42
Call them at 9 am if they are not open at 11 pm.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9n97ai wrote
Reply to question regarding engine noise. by Machined42
You either want to do something ... or ... you want to do little more than bitch about it on reddit. See if you local muni has a noise ordinance. Just by inquiring at town hall, you might get some action.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9n8tkt wrote
Reply to comment by dubedube11 in Winter Storm by TheAshouwak
Ohio is a long way from Maine. Ottawa is downstream of tonight's weather, not Maine.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9lrzro wrote
Libby Hill behind GNG High School.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9lrtht wrote
Reply to Horny on Maine by PleasantParfait48
Brothers will be happy to get some OT... been bitching about not having enough beer $$.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9lrpyo wrote
Reply to comment by fastIamnot in Horny on Maine by PleasantParfait48
Must be why women are so happy once the baby's head pops out...
IamSauerKraut t1_j9lq2f5 wrote
Reply to comment by heeroguy in What is your go-to trout stream you really like to fish? by NineFootEightWeight
Sweet Arrow?
IamSauerKraut t1_j9lq1mo wrote
Reply to comment by wolfmasterflash84 in What is your go-to trout stream you really like to fish? by NineFootEightWeight
The Skookers in the family agree with this.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9lpl2u wrote
Reply to comment by SunOutrageous6098 in What are the rules on signing multiple nominating petitions? by Guerlaingal
>some candidates can cross file (like School Director) so they could be circulating a D petition and an R petition.
Clarification: No school board candidate is allowed to carry a petition for both parties. If that candidate is republican, they can only circulate for republican signatures. They will need to reach out to a democrat to circulate for democratic signatures. And vice-versa.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9jvszb wrote
Reply to comment by Maineguy58 in Sen. Angus King caught up in ‘Twitter Files’ controversy - Lewiston S… by yzfmike
Not seeing where King personally flagged anything. And it seems more material was provided upon request rather than just an unsolicited data dump.
As for Lance Dutson, who cares? His embrace of anti-democratic policy positions should relegate him to the dustbin, even if his behind-the-curtains skullduggery against Strimling and leadershit of pro-putin Heritage did not.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9jumjz wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Season_5325 in Republican Doug Mastriano told supporters he didn't get any money from Ohio derailment train operator Norfolk Southern. Records show he took $1,000. by Pennzingers
We should all care and pay attention lest he again sneak up on us. If he ever gains control, say buy-bye to freedom of religion. Say hello to his brand of sharia.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9qvcbs wrote
Reply to comment by Ashamed-Reflection-9 in I am tracking and mapping observations of the mysterious odor and residue that is being reported across the Northeast. While most reports are concentrated in NY, I have heard anecdotal reports of the event in PA since the first night the odor cloud rolled in. by Ashamed-Reflection-9
Was in Carlisle, Mechanicsburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster today. No odor at all. Not even wood smoke.