IamSauerKraut t1_j9z4v95 wrote
Reply to comment by MosskeepForest in Transgender teacher dismissed for sharing inappropriate TikTok videos with Maine middle school students by jaypr4576
>Even just kids knowing a teachers name and finding their facebook page where they posted going to a club is "inappropriate".
Way to turn my comment on its head.
The issue presented here is not a kid knowing a name and looking for the facebook page; rather, it is (alleged) that the teacher, knowing the contents of their own page, encouraged the students to go visit the page. That is what is inappropriate sharing.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9ymeex wrote
Reply to Hey Maine, i love you by [deleted]
You know what I love about Maine?
It is not Indiana.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9ymcr0 wrote
Reply to comment by bonnar0000 in Hey Maine, i love you by [deleted]
Bass Pro selling 900 series backpacks for $14.99. If you want the 1300 with chest strap, that'll cost ya $29.49.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9ym7am wrote
Reply to comment by taggart_mccallister in Hey Maine, i love you by [deleted]
Mother is not happy that you hate New Brunswick.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9ym3t6 wrote
Reply to Hey Maine, i love you by [deleted]
You had Pence as governor.
Indiana is not kewl.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9ylfpr wrote
Reply to comment by HumpSlackWails in Transgender teacher dismissed for sharing inappropriate TikTok videos with Maine middle school students by jaypr4576
>Not every group is a potential audience for activism because you feel, of course, your message is super critical and HAS to reach them. Everyone will use that rationale - and has been - and its how oppression happens. Just take a step back and understand sometimes people in marginalized groups can cross lines too. She did.
Hard to disagree.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9ykwql wrote
Reply to comment by dougwdouglas in Transgender teacher dismissed for sharing inappropriate TikTok videos with Maine middle school students by jaypr4576
>I remember many teachers in high school who would attempt to be “cool” and build relationships with students
Oh yeah.
Only recently has a concerted effort been made to put an end to these "relationships." My chem teacher, married, knocked up a sophomore. My US History teacher was banging a junior. Neither faced consequences beyond some well-placed comments from female colleagues.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9yko9a wrote
Reply to comment by dougwdouglas in Transgender teacher dismissed for sharing inappropriate TikTok videos with Maine middle school students by jaypr4576
>In this case, a teacher is actively advertising her social media which directly brings minors to provocative photos? Not a great look!
Agreed. Should be common sense among teachers.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9ykjo3 wrote
Reply to comment by Lerch737 in Transgender teacher dismissed for sharing inappropriate TikTok videos with Maine middle school students by jaypr4576
There are good people and turds on both sides of that political aisle.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9ykgr2 wrote
Reply to comment by MosskeepForest in Transgender teacher dismissed for sharing inappropriate TikTok videos with Maine middle school students by jaypr4576
>I just saw a video on Twitter of a male teacher that accidentally had his Facebook up on the projector while looking at women's profiles where they were in bikinis.
How does such a thing occur accidentally? Teacher needs to be smart enough to never have this occurrence be possible. Less of an accident than carelessness, imho, and should be addressed by the building admin.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9yk80k wrote
Reply to comment by MosskeepForest in Transgender teacher dismissed for sharing inappropriate TikTok videos with Maine middle school students by jaypr4576
>When the story was actually "a teacher told some students what her tiktok handle was".
Given the content of the account, the handle should not have been shared.
In today's environment, a teacher's social media presence needs to be squeaky clean. If it is not, then why is the teacher sharing the handle?
I agree with the person who posits that this is less about gender identity than it is about appropriate behavior.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9yjxpj wrote
Reply to comment by MosskeepForest in Transgender teacher dismissed for sharing inappropriate TikTok videos with Maine middle school students by jaypr4576
>She told the kids her tiktok handle.
Difference without a distinction.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9w7wd8 wrote
Reply to comment by Super-Lychee8852 in The perfect woman lives in Maine by unknownusername77
Is getting to be repetitive, true.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9vwiaz wrote
Reply to comment by Lawmonger in Central Bucks SD playing the victim card after losing their communications firm by Pennzingers
I think. And I read. And I've been pretty clear about how I view the PR firm as a waste of taxpayer $$. Does that $$ need to be spent elsewhere? Not necessarily.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9vb1wk wrote
Reply to comment by Lawmonger in Central Bucks SD playing the victim card after losing their communications firm by Pennzingers
Just because an item is a proposal does not mean it needs adopted or funded.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9u10bk wrote
Reply to comment by Unionforever1865 in February 24, 1914 Joshua Chamberlain, the Lion of the Round Top, former Governor of Maine and Bowdoin College President passed away in Portland, Maine from complications of wounds he suffered in battle. Said to be the last casualty of the Civil War. by Unionforever1865
It's a fine slice for a man who dies when he is 85.
Here is one bit on Woolson: https://npsgnmp.wordpress.com/2012/10/19/the-last-veteran/ Note the paragraphs dedicated to another drummer boy, James Marion Lurvey, born in Palmyra, ME.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9tx7pl wrote
Reply to comment by costabius in February 24, 1914 Joshua Chamberlain, the Lion of the Round Top, former Governor of Maine and Bowdoin College President passed away in Portland, Maine from complications of wounds he suffered in battle. Said to be the last casualty of the Civil War. by Unionforever1865
He had an extra nut ball?
IamSauerKraut t1_j9tx3qw wrote
Reply to February 24, 1914 Joshua Chamberlain, the Lion of the Round Top, former Governor of Maine and Bowdoin College President passed away in Portland, Maine from complications of wounds he suffered in battle. Said to be the last casualty of the Civil War. by Unionforever1865
The last claimed Civil War participant to die was Alfred Henry Woolson. Interestingly, the year of death appears to be in dispute: either 1953 or 1956 or 1959. DOB is agreed upon, 1843, as is his role during the Civil War: drummer boy. He was either 106 or 109 upon death.
In close second was Col. Walter Williams. He is said to have congratulated Woolson on reaching 109. But the dates of their last appearances and deaths clash. Cannot be in grand marshall in a parade once dead.
Bruce Caton stated years ago that 1950 saw 65 Civil War vets still alive. But none in 1960. 1950, however, was long after 1914. Which adds a bit of a question to the claim re Col. Chamberlain.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9tqzxj wrote
Reply to comment by Damien12341 in How risky is it to go to Linfield Industral Park in Linfield, La by Damien12341
All indications I can see is if you get caught on the property, you'll be charged with trespassing. You can sneak in from SGL, but once neighbors see you, they'll call the cops. Resist the urge to be stupid.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9tqn7b wrote
Reply to comment by Mobile-Willingness29 in Cat piss smell is driving me fucking insane HELP PLEASE by Mobile-Willingness29
What about SPCA?
IamSauerKraut t1_j9tqki1 wrote
Reply to comment by Mobile-Willingness29 in Cat piss smell is driving me fucking insane HELP PLEASE by Mobile-Willingness29
Your municipality or county surely has some type of health code. Call your town hall.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9tqd7f wrote
Reply to comment by blondedependa in Is the PA Turnpike still narrow from the construction? by [deleted]
Do you mean the stretch just west of KOP? They are doing road widening. Which takes time and always squeezes the lanes. Gets hairy when the semis go thru at 70+ thru the speed reduced zone.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9tngab wrote
Reply to comment by Mtts28 in I am tracking and mapping observations of the mysterious odor and residue that is being reported across the Northeast. While most reports are concentrated in NY, I have heard anecdotal reports of the event in PA since the first night the odor cloud rolled in. by Ashamed-Reflection-9
Often hazy along the 81 corridor with all the truck traffic and location in a valley. The haze often stretches up past Harrisburg and into Berks County. You can see the brown soot from the viewpoints on South and Kittatinny Mountains on quite a few days.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9rqo7p wrote
Reply to comment by nashuanuke in I am tracking and mapping observations of the mysterious odor and residue that is being reported across the Northeast. While most reports are concentrated in NY, I have heard anecdotal reports of the event in PA since the first night the odor cloud rolled in. by Ashamed-Reflection-9
True, but every time gym jordan opens his pie hole, a smell comes wafting in.
IamSauerKraut t1_j9zhmii wrote
Reply to comment by MosskeepForest in Transgender teacher dismissed for sharing inappropriate TikTok videos with Maine middle school students by jaypr4576
You can always convince folks of the righteousness of your argument by inserting "traitorous" and "fascists" and other emotionally charged opinion (some of which is unrelated to the issue at hand). It also helps to post patronizing and gratuitous verbiage. Pat yourself on the back.