IamSauerKraut t1_javoxfv wrote
Reply to comment by NotNowDamo in Hatboro, Pennsylvania woman facing charges after racist rant at pizzeria by Snoi7
I love that he walked in while she was in full rant - which came to a stop in a loud screech. Rita Bellew. We shall hear from that misfit again.
IamSauerKraut OP t1_jarvtrr wrote
Reply to comment by SheSellsSeaShells967 in Yet another xtian not acting as Jesus would have him act. by IamSauerKraut
I see in a Winthrop kidnapping/rape case, she advocated the defendant serve time on numerous charges concurrently and only for 9 months after her office failed to follow up with police on evidence. Following up is part of her job in prepping a case for trial but she leaves it that it only the PD's fault. Rapist gets out in what, 8 months?, for what he did to that woman?? She is convincing me that she may be incompetent.
IamSauerKraut t1_jargbqz wrote
Reply to comment by AntaresBounder in Here’s the real reason the EPA doesn’t want to test for toxins in East Palestine | Stephen Lester by hahahoudini
The opinion piece should have been posted 2 weeks ago when it might have been based on facts.
IamSauerKraut t1_jarauca wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in House Democrats Deny Pennsylvanians the Ability to Decide Important Constitutional Amendments in Senate Bill 1 by [deleted]
>We just wanna hurt each other today
I dont wanna hurt anyone. I just want the authoritarian statists and stahlmelmists to quit stomping on my rights.
IamSauerKraut t1_jara46h wrote
Reply to comment by julianna96 in Help - Driving to Harrisburg For Disability Placard by julianna96
Look for a PennDOT licensing facility closer to you. Call them. More likely to get a human being at the other end of the phone.
IamSauerKraut t1_jar912l wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in House Democrats Deny Pennsylvanians the Ability to Decide Important Constitutional Amendments in Senate Bill 1 by [deleted]
>If there are actual, demonstrable issues with our elections in PA that need a constitutional amendment to fix, then for crying out loud show the damn evidence already.
There are no such issues, as even the courts have determined. In 2020 (as well as before and after), PA had a free and fair election with very few issues across the Commonwealth. 2 of the issues were GQP members who voted for their dead mothers. Arrested and slapped on the wrists.
IamSauerKraut t1_jar857h wrote
Reply to comment by susinpgh in House Democrats Deny Pennsylvanians the Ability to Decide Important Constitutional Amendments in Senate Bill 1 by [deleted]
>Talk to your Senators, and demand they disassemble the packaged bill.
IamSauerKraut t1_jar825e wrote
Reply to comment by RoyOfCon in House Democrats Deny Pennsylvanians the Ability to Decide Important Constitutional Amendments in Senate Bill 1 by [deleted]
The election integrity folks are only interested in how an outcome affects benedict donald. If he is not crowned emperor then the election is a fraud.
fuck them.
IamSauerKraut t1_jar7tzv wrote
Reply to House Democrats Deny Pennsylvanians the Ability to Decide Important Constitutional Amendments in Senate Bill 1 by [deleted]
Fact: Senate Republicans are not interested in extending the SOL for sex abuse survivors. They could give a shit, really. They certainly are not interested in compromise.
IamSauerKraut t1_jar7lif wrote
Reply to comment by random6x7 in Here’s the real reason the EPA doesn’t want to test for toxins in East Palestine | Stephen Lester by hahahoudini
Guardian published the article yesterday but govt officials last week stated they would be testing. Journalistic malpractice, imho.
IamSauerKraut t1_jar7fvl wrote
Reply to comment by Live_wires in Here’s the real reason the EPA doesn’t want to test for toxins in East Palestine | Stephen Lester by hahahoudini
Out-dated article. EPA and PA DEP are both running broad spectrum tests on ground and water samples. Ohio may be doing the same.
IamSauerKraut t1_jar6xp4 wrote
Is Harrisburg your only option to obtain the placard? I know a few folks who have obtained theirs at closer satellite offices.
IamSauerKraut t1_jar6o4f wrote
He is free on bail. Still working at that Sheetz?
IamSauerKraut t1_japk3qe wrote
Reply to comment by berraberragood in I’m a PA mom who is suing my children’s school district over this shocking curriculum by dissolutewastrel
Preliminary Objections phase should get this suit dismissed in just a few months.
IamSauerKraut t1_japjwbr wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in I’m a PA mom who is suing my children’s school district over this shocking curriculum by dissolutewastrel
She seems too dumb to do well on the PRAXIS. Might have a tough time getting into a program. Even tougher time getting passing grades. And who will want her as a student teacher??
IamSauerKraut t1_japjn3o wrote
Reply to comment by Adept-Ad-661 in I’m a PA mom who is suing my children’s school district over this shocking curriculum by dissolutewastrel
Dani Gross is such a font of info. She live tweets the West Shore School District's school board meetings. Gives good analysis, too.
IamSauerKraut t1_japjhhs wrote
Reply to comment by RoyOfCon in I’m a PA mom who is suing my children’s school district over this shocking curriculum by dissolutewastrel
Exactly! Trinity High is just a few miles away, also in Lower Allen Township. Although I should add that they would probably ban her from campus in the first month.
IamSauerKraut t1_jakkjti wrote
Reply to comment by Loba_Tiddies in found this with my dad in a bottle dump he found as a kid (nostalgic for both of us so its a nice find) was told this sub might enjoy it by Loba_Tiddies
Moxie never goes out of style - Taylor Swift paraphrased.
IamSauerKraut t1_jahswfn wrote
Reply to found this with my dad in a bottle dump he found as a kid (nostalgic for both of us so its a nice find) was told this sub might enjoy it by Loba_Tiddies
I'd enjoy it more were some moxie in it.
IamSauerKraut t1_jahsfnl wrote
Get a certified copy of payment and submit that in-person to PennDOT.
IamSauerKraut t1_jaeu4we wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Things to do in Pennsylvania for someone visiting from south Alabama. by Silence_Dogood16
>Plus Biden is from PA so there’s that….
You inserted the politics. And you should know that once you do that on reddit, all is fair.
IamSauerKraut t1_jaetqfs wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Things to do in Pennsylvania for someone visiting from south Alabama. by Silence_Dogood16
>God damn you’re an idiot.
Maybe you should stay in Alabama.
IamSauerKraut t1_jaetjei wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Things to do in Pennsylvania for someone visiting from south Alabama. by Silence_Dogood16
>Idk why you decided to make this political but ok.
You raised up sleepy joe so it's on you.
As for not getting thru a speech, have you listened to donnie dumpster fire lately? Talks loudly out of both ends.
IamSauerKraut t1_jaet7r3 wrote
Reply to comment by Ghstfce in Things to do in Pennsylvania for someone visiting from south Alabama. by Silence_Dogood16
Have not been to the Lancaster location, but I like the one near the Ike by Bass Pro. I'm not a beer drinker but the group I go with love the place. And if it's full, we just go over to Fiesta Mexico that's a short distance away.
IamSauerKraut t1_javrjk3 wrote
Reply to ACLU says it could take legal action over Saucon Valley School District rescinding approval for After School Satan Club by Modestkilla
ACLU says "it could."
Is this really what they said? Or did the author engage in lazy passive-aggressive writing?
Either shit (sue them) or get off the pot (stop issuing meaningless statements).