
IamSauerKraut t1_j3wrzki wrote

>This area has exploded as a logistics center in the last decade and the infrastructure can’t keep up


The entire 78/81 corridor is one giant warehouse after another. And those TT's drag racing each other up the hills between 61 and 100 at 40 mph are way beyond annoying.


IamSauerKraut t1_j3wgyo3 wrote

The GQP's efforts to get other amendments onto the ballot during a Special Session called for one particular issue is a continuation of their efforts to keep Rozzi's Amendment off the spring ballot. He is right to cancel all further sessions until they come to the table in good faith. Unintended upside to this? Because nothing is scheduled, no per diems. Bet that pisses them off good.


IamSauerKraut t1_j3w59v6 wrote

Yah, well there ya have it.

An organization that has run a kids' camp for 100 years on an adjacent peninsula was given 200 acres of the 800 on which Maine Yankee operated. I remember the issue with the ospreys, too. And I remember the org shut public access, including to the mudflats, after a break-in at the school.

But that leaves 600 acres, on which is stored all that spent nuclear fuel.

But, as the Rutland newspaper pointed out years ago:

"New England is home to three decommissioned nuclear power plants. Each stores its nuclear waste on site, and, in Maine, the cost of that storage is continually passed on to ratepayers via their monthly electrical bills. Hudson, a graduate of the University of Vermont with a strong background in working with “green” groups, said his view on nuclear power has shifted a bit in recent years, noting that he now sees it as having “some role in our energy future.” But the lack of a solution for the highly radioactive waste gives him pause. His ideal neighbor is not a collection of radioactive canisters. “It’s foolish to believe that this is clean energy,” he said. “The outcome of nuclear power is waste that won’t be safe for long after I’m gone. There simply needs to be a national solution to the waste issue.”"