IamSauerKraut t1_j4lrpmd wrote
Reply to comment by No-Setting9690 in When will the election boards provide Proof your vote was counted correctly by davcross
How they do it in some New England states, although the more populated towns will vote for Town Meeting members who discuss and vote on the issues. Becomes unwieldy when too many people show up.
IamSauerKraut t1_j4lreh5 wrote
Reply to comment by spicynuggies in When will the election boards provide Proof your vote was counted correctly by davcross
Only has access to the act of voting, not the "who did I vote for."
IamSauerKraut t1_j4lr9ge wrote
Reply to comment by CharacterBrief9121 in When will the election boards provide Proof your vote was counted correctly by davcross
I read it as OP wants to see if his vote was counted exactly as he cast it. Seems reasonable but is the false foundation of all these election lawsuits.
IamSauerKraut t1_j4lpkxv wrote
Reply to Pennsylvania GOP: How ill you defend Scott Perry, and why will you defend Scott Perry? by LetterGrouchy6053
GQP will defend scrotum perry for the same reason Cowboys fans defended Michael "cokenose" Irvin or Giants fans defended Barry "steroids" Bonds: he's on their team.
IamSauerKraut t1_j4lajcq wrote
Reply to comment by -Hedonism_Bot- in Question about Maine houses from someone from away by howieinchicago
As a kid, I did not know better. Same with all the Boy Scout sales. Indeed, we were told to knock on the front door because folks were more likely to buy. Never understood why but maybe all that furniture moving...
IamSauerKraut t1_j4jsfto wrote
Reply to comment by Dispatcher12 in Neighborhoods in between Lancaster & Philli Aiport? by samxxx06
Could also try the Exton area.
IamSauerKraut t1_j4js9n1 wrote
Reply to comment by samxxx06 in Neighborhoods in between Lancaster & Philli Aiport? by samxxx06
Unless you are a winger, avoid Adamstown. School district is nutty, too. Twin Valley, imho, is a bit better than Cocalico. And there is better retail (right across 23 from TV high school).
IamSauerKraut t1_j4jr44e wrote
Reply to comment by howieinchicago in Question about Maine houses from someone from away by howieinchicago
Go with the Moxie. Deliver it to the front door.
IamSauerKraut t1_j4j8bdm wrote
Reply to comment by ZoraC8 in 107.5 WBLM by Mikerm3
BLM and TOS was all I listened to when I lived in New Gloucester. We strong some speaker wire across the roof and it all came in real clear. Sometimes we could even get the Colby student station. Those were the days.
IamSauerKraut t1_j4j81h1 wrote
Reply to Starter Vegetable Plants by tbone985
I skip the more expensive starter plants and just start my own using seed kits beginning in mid-Feb.
IamSauerKraut t1_j4hcln1 wrote
Reply to comment by thedanman114 in Solar and wind is ugly, Nuclear is the only other safe energy. When will it happen here? by drdanagram
What different type of waste do the reactors produce? Anything with a half-life of less than 700,000 years?
IamSauerKraut t1_j4h6c25 wrote
Reply to comment by thedanman114 in Solar and wind is ugly, Nuclear is the only other safe energy. When will it happen here? by drdanagram
Why do I need to know the difference between reactors? Do they produce a different type of waste? Are they any less subject to human error, subterfuge or indifference?
IamSauerKraut t1_j4gylpn wrote
Reply to comment by thedanman114 in Solar and wind is ugly, Nuclear is the only other safe energy. When will it happen here? by drdanagram
"Ignorance" is contrary to "good cause."
IamSauerKraut t1_j4gsyji wrote
Reply to comment by OneHumanPeOple in In Pennsylvania is it illegal for an 18 year old to smoke a cigar? by TheKidBaller576
> That said, tobacco is disgusting
In this Commonwealth, the Amish are amongst the largest groweers. And their teens smoke it with no attention paid by law enforcement. Not sure why it should be different for fancy folk.
IamSauerKraut t1_j4gc5ot wrote
Reply to comment by worstatit in Pennsylvania was heavily deforested in the 1800s; mostly due to unchecked logging companies. by Libsoccer20
Iron forges also cut down large swaths of trees. I have a charcoal pit in my backyard.
IamSauerKraut t1_j4gbwej wrote
Reply to comment by yzdaskullmonkey in Pennsylvania was heavily deforested in the 1800s; mostly due to unchecked logging companies. by Libsoccer20
There are quite a large number of 200-y.o. beech trees in PA. One in Elm, PA, that's 350+ y.o. Beech is not a good burning tree and it was not all that useful for furniture or construction.
IamSauerKraut t1_j4gbedy wrote
Reply to comment by justuravgjoe762 in Pennsylvania was heavily deforested in the 1800s; mostly due to unchecked logging companies. by Libsoccer20
Preservation programs mostly allow the harvesting of trees. And the running of gas pipelines.
IamSauerKraut t1_j4gb7yn wrote
Reply to comment by discogeek in In Pennsylvania is it illegal for an 18 year old to smoke a cigar? by TheKidBaller576
Does Act 112 prohibit the smoking of a cigar by an 18-y.o.?
IamSauerKraut t1_j4g9sg6 wrote
Reply to comment by coolcalmaesop in Vehicle hit by train after bypassing lights, gates on Allen Avenue in Portland by mainemariners
Pasta with vodka sauce?
IamSauerKraut t1_j4g2o2n wrote
Reply to Vehicle hit by train after bypassing lights, gates on Allen Avenue in Portland by mainemariners
Driving with common sense is hard for some people.
IamSauerKraut t1_j492q5z wrote
Reply to comment by one_paul_away in American Chop Suey by Simmyphila
I always use butter to brown the burger. None of that olive oil stuff or margarine.
IamSauerKraut t1_j492ktt wrote
Reply to comment by Alldamage in American Chop Suey by Simmyphila
My extended F-C family has been making ACS since shortly after some returned from serving in Korea. Long a staple among the older set; less so among the younger who think it is for poor people.
IamSauerKraut t1_j492ac5 wrote
Reply to comment by LaChanz in American Chop Suey by Simmyphila
I use an entire green pepper.
I skip the garlic.
IamSauerKraut t1_j46ver1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Hunter won’t face charges for killing dog in Berks County by narkj
Have eyeballed them. Can confirm.
IamSauerKraut t1_j4lry1q wrote
Reply to comment by SunstruckMorning in A GOP postmortem: What went so wrong in Pennsylvania? by newzee1
Did he get a real degree?