
IamSauerKraut t1_j7nmyg2 wrote

Schools and school districts existed in PA prior to 1954. Indeed, if memory serves, there were more than 1,000 districts at one point. Some towns had shared buildings but the "districts" as we know them today were reduced to the current number (more or less), but that did not occur until about 1960. The current DOE setup occurred around 1970. Some of today's districts have more than 1 high school. 3 have none.


IamSauerKraut t1_j7nif4y wrote

Yeah, Seven Mountains is a bitch to get thru. There is an old rail line that extends just past the Standard Steel Plant in Yeagertown off 322 north of Lewistown. Not sure if trains go that far up but I have seen them behind the crack donald's in Lewistown. Not surprised the line stops there. Gets gnarly thereafter.


IamSauerKraut t1_j7nc9r6 wrote

Not exactly.

Applies to the state funding formula, passed in 2016.

Pennsylvania passed the Fair Funding Formula in 2016, which decides financial allocations across the state’s 500 school districts [new funding dollars, only] . The new system only applies to new funds and uses outdated population numbers. In practice, this hurts schools in the eastern half of the state, which are growing, and keeps money in western school districts, which are shrinking

In the order, Cohn Jubelirer does not outline how the Legislature should distribute education funding, saying the court is in “uncharted territory with this landmark case.”


IamSauerKraut t1_j7nbg44 wrote

This very issue came up across the Commonwealth when a well-meaning group marketed the current system as the best that could make it thru the legislature.

This ruling will be appealed to SCOPA and the current funding scheme will continue until they rule because the legislature is too busy chasing their tails and litterboxes to give a shit (pun intended).


IamSauerKraut t1_j7nawyq wrote

Folks interested in being a reasonable voice on a school board can pick up nomination petitions from their county's election office (usually located at the county court house) and collect signatures beginning next week. In most cases, you need only collect 10 signatures to get on the May primary ballot. It is best to cross-file so that you have the best chance of making it thru to the General Election ballot in November.

If you need more info, PM me.