
IamSauerKraut t1_j8054xv wrote

Try out by where Vanguard is past Paoli or Malvern in the outer Rt 30 corridor. There is new apartment construction off Rt. 29 in Devault, along with a Wegman's, Target, Wawa, etc. Easy access to 202, 30 and the Turnpike. All within the Great Valley School District. Commuter rail/Amtrak runs roughly parallel to Rt. 30 with stops in Paoli, Malvern and Exton.


IamSauerKraut t1_j7xldis wrote

>striking workers aren’t actually working

They are grad students who refuse to allow Temple to use them as chattel. A different category under labor law, but still entitled to the full protection of labor laws which do not allow retaliation against organizing or other unfair labor practices.