
IamSauerKraut t1_j8rx0v0 wrote

You both have discussed the situation. You suggest you know what is coming. You have been put on notice. First class is legal.

You can always fight it on that basis in court, but I doubt Philly judges will put much weight into that type of argument. Pay your rent or move. Landlord has bills, too. Property tax, mortgage, etc.


IamSauerKraut t1_j8rq6qm wrote

This is not the first derailment in the US. Or in Ohio. Or near a state border.

Events are investigated by state and federal agencies. Reports are written. I've read more than a few of them. Indeed, I posted at least a couple in this sub for folks to read. Read a few and then come back with the "nothing can be done" line of non-thinking.


IamSauerKraut t1_j8q8tgr wrote

I don't know what relevance parcel size in your current location has to do with your desire to find big acreage in PA. And you want a log cabin on top of a mountain with big acreage. My impression is that those properties are either state owned or already taken.

Not sure how anyone on top of a mountain can avoid seeing the landscape, including the people who live there.