
IamSauerKraut t1_jb6av5m wrote

>No child was going to check out those books.


But a few might read them while in the shelves when no one was watching.

Wonder when Pennridge will ban Call of the Wild. Dog gets beat and beat and beat. Not sure the little ones should be exposed to animal abuse. And then there is... Moby Dick. /s


IamSauerKraut t1_jb5ax86 wrote

Again, for the person who is bad at observing the obvious: man wins $4 million. There is the photo of him holding the fake $4 million check showing how much the jackpot was. After taxes, he takes home $2.6 million of that $4 million.

Question: What happened to the $1.4 million that he won but did not take home?

Answer: The $1.4 million he did not take home is the amount that was withheld for taxes.

Gratuitous observation: while we hear the rumors of double taxation, this man was not taxed twice on the same lottery winnings. The state/feds will have to be happy with the $1.4 million that was withheld.


IamSauerKraut t1_jay0l2j wrote

>there needs to be a formal investigation to determine if allegations are credible or not

I think some folks are confusing sexual harassment with sexual abuse. One requires a criminal investigation with due process rights regardless of the accused's place in life, the other needs only credible allegations. For a solitary accusation, there may be a need to determine credibility in an accusation but when there is more than one accusation a pattern of behavior has developed and credibility runs in favor of those levying the accusations.


IamSauerKraut t1_jaxyaxf wrote

No shit, sherlock.

We are not talking about a regular man on the street. Instead, Zabel is an elected official. Standard for behavior should be higher for him. I can be ok with giving him a second chance, but there is that 2nd woman. And there is the GQP controlled Ethics Commission which did absolutely nothing.


IamSauerKraut t1_jaxhcsx wrote

>No one should resign over allegations alone.

I thought both Clinton and donnie dumpster fire should have resigned based solely on credible allegations. I also think legislators who have credible allegations of physical abuse lodged against them should resign. We need to have some minimum standard beyond "infamous crime."