
IamSauerKraut t1_jbtx86n wrote

>Teachers get ~3 months off during the summer, a week off for spring break, almost a month off for winter break, almost a week for Thanksgiving, along with all other federal holidays. That's almost 4.5 months off work per year.

Dogshit comment. Most teachers are not free of their professional responsibilities when school is not in session. Keeping the certification requires continuing education and professional development. A good number of teachers act as club and class advisors, supervise School Play practice, oversee marching band, and coach the athletic teams. The classroom itself requires attention during breaks. Indeed, many teachers are getting classrooms ready for the new school year while you are still in your chaise lounge in your bikini sipping a fresh latte.


IamSauerKraut t1_jbtwbmf wrote

>property taxes are the worst way to fund schools

Folks always focus on property taxes but property taxes only provide some of the revenue stream. Let's also look at the earned income tax. Places where the average household income is above $100k gain quite a bit in collected EIT whereas places where the average household income is 50k or less end up having to do without. Maybe give less state aid to the better off places and give more to those places with more resources?


IamSauerKraut t1_jbqai0t wrote

Craft brew is over-subscribed. Lots of places suddenly closing as folks get tired of average beer with crappy sandwiches. And, unfortunately, the side hustles the breweries have as part of the business plan have not hired them as venues are often still less then 50% at the level before 3 years ago.


IamSauerKraut t1_jbgicel wrote

Yeah, control of the House is again up in the air. All because some schmuck could not behave himself around women.

Seriously, tho, now that the 16 GQP women spoke up against him, do you suppose they might finally speak up about the wife beaters on their side of the aisle?

