i recently completed an in-home ethernet installation retrofit in my own house doing this so it's totally fine. as for "how" a lot of people have explained the vacuum trick. i will say that if your line gets stuck, as mine did. you may have to unscrew the rigid conduit from the straps and do some manual pulling if there are a lot of bends.
IanGoldense t1_iy4qpko wrote
Reply to can you run an ethernet cable through an empty conduit in your house on your own? by VanillianArt
i recently completed an in-home ethernet installation retrofit in my own house doing this so it's totally fine. as for "how" a lot of people have explained the vacuum trick. i will say that if your line gets stuck, as mine did. you may have to unscrew the rigid conduit from the straps and do some manual pulling if there are a lot of bends.