
Iffykindofguy t1_j6p6qhc wrote

Cars and mills are not actually at the top of that? Fossil fuel companies are. Its not about individual choice but it does still matter what you do. Telling yourself stuff like this is so "minute" is just a lie our culture tells ourselves. Same as when we go "Well what, am I supposed to just give up all my stuff and send it to Africa!" No, thats just an extreme so you can justify not doing the most basic of things.


Iffykindofguy t1_j6n4tcs wrote

Why would celebrity be the thing to survive through this? Celebrity is already falling apart as people get more access to these folk and stop thinking of them as gods. If anyone can create the same thing as Elon why would people not see through the facade of celebrity? Your entire point hinges on there being someone with the singular vision to be worth it, that's not how humanity works. Celebrity is a product of capitalism and ignorance.


Iffykindofguy t1_j6dgrx4 wrote

Reply to comment by mvfsullivan in Andrew, release ani NOW by mvfsullivan

uh, no thats a totally fine response. I don't drink currently because for a good chunk of my life I was drinking a 5th of liquor daily. Spent a few days in the hospital for withdrawals. In and our of AA for a few years. Finally got my sobriety, life is much easier once you get space from the drink and the ability to think in non as circular of a path. I am not religious but AA saved my life. I don't go anymore because my drinking was more the result of childhood trauma I wasn't dealing with than alcoholism but if you need to chat about anything feel free to slide in the DMs. Hope things turn around for you, they always can.


Iffykindofguy t1_j6416ez wrote

I get paid to be creative. If you're doing it to make money, you're probably gonna be fucked. I don't see a huge chunk of the positions I work with rn being around in ten years. You should always do it though, you never know when someone with more money than sense finds its and offers to buy your soul. But it wont make anyone rich in the future. More importantly it helps you stay in touch with yourself and those around you, art will hopefully become more about means of communication than commercialization.


Iffykindofguy t1_j5u9ogn wrote

We should alway as have been searching for assumptions and asking questions of all data presented to us. You are not qualified to be an expert in 99% of fields just because you have access to raw data.


Iffykindofguy t1_j5qewlj wrote

None of those people know, the people you think are genius are only one person at the head of a big team. Progress isn't made by one person, its always always always a group thing. So while they may know a lot in their field, they also for sure don't know a lot. Other people do, and with something as complex as this there's just no way to know since there's no collective tracking of who is doing what where