
Iffykindofguy t1_j6xxswa wrote

I work in production so we were filming a demo but the only thing that was set up was the processor, the trucks we worked on were actually just normal trucks that the facility got every day. Didnt work perfectly but that was mostly in the install process, once it was up it was churning.


Iffykindofguy t1_j6xwild wrote

Negative ghostrider. Time to stop posting pics except privately to your trusted circle until something comes along. Also vote blue so that we can get more laws in more states on the books about this sort of thing. Sorry this is on your mind, its a reasonable fear (that someone you know may do this, not that you'll just get caught up in some massive web of deepfakes) but unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a reasonable solution yet.


Iffykindofguy t1_j6x09sl wrote

Its far from useless on blue-collar jobs. It will start out as an aid on those jobs like any other. Already see it in a lot of city infrastructure jobs. My town has an app that you (a city worker, not a random) can take and place your phone on a bridge and based off the vibrations (and a few other variables taken from video footage you get also with the phone after) it can tell you where the bridge is most likely to need repairs. They can unload trucks with robots now, something that a few years ago I watched a ted talk on how that would be impossible unless everything in the truck was uniform or prepackaged a certain way that made the loading so inefficient the unloading benefits were all lost. Theyre coming for all jobs.


Iffykindofguy t1_j6uk2ku wrote

I do and sorry for being so intense but you came at me hot and you're talking some nonsense. You went from no one will be doing anything to oh well no one can be the best at their job so no one will want to do anything to....? My entire point from the jump is just that people arent going to just sit idly by and die. A generation may over indulge if we get some relief from the current capitalist hellscape we have at the moment but before long people will get bored. Not to mention people are aware of this problem, why wouldn't they take steps to avoid not knowing how our daily life functions?


Iffykindofguy t1_j6ugk2g wrote

So now people have to be the absolute best? Oh nice job moving the goal posts there pal. Again, the entire point is just that people still have agency. You seem to think everyone will fuck off and game all day long. That's not the case.

In addition to that I think you both seem to believe in some sort of framework to our society that doesn't exist. If there was a coordinated attack on the power grid or if the internet were to suddenly turn off tomorrow we would experience mass chaos and violence in the confusion. We are past the point of no return.


Iffykindofguy t1_j6udv3y wrote

I'm sorry that you cant pick up on peoples intent but that's not my fault.

I'm also sorry that you're confused, yet again, on both points. Please really give some thought to the slow down I mentioned. What will people be doing when theyre not working? Why would they give up being curious about things? Because you're not a curious person?


Iffykindofguy t1_j6uckrt wrote

No shit chatgpt doesnt give you anything unprompted, you don't see the difference between prompting for a poem and prompting for a poem specifically about taking over mankind?


And their point is not that we will relinquish control willingly, their point is we will do that and do nothing in the new free time. That is what I find silly. So it seems you didn't understand either point, maybe slow down on the reply button.


Iffykindofguy t1_j6tveqi wrote

"Some people" do not, some people do know how this works partially here, some know what works there, no one knows globally. Youre protecting a facade, something that isn't there. And yes, your progression is such 80s horror nonsense its cliche at this point. It absolutely could replace all those things and I agree that it would be bit by bit without anyone knowing but you act like there's will be no human activity in those times other than lounging about. Thats not how humans work.


Iffykindofguy t1_j6ttzmn wrote

What a silly post. You act like ChatGPT just threw that out there instead of was prompted "write a poem about an ai taking over the world" Also your logic is not that great because the vast vast vast majority of people don't know how anything works right now anyways. Ill take computers in charge over the 1% 100% of the time.
