
Iffykindofguy t1_j8d2mz0 wrote

Your dismissal of that argument is stupid and lazy. Intellectually dishonest, it ignores the fact that brains work in different ways and currently schooling is designed to focus on one aspect of learning: regurgitation.


You are a child and should keep your opinions closer to the chest until you get some experience under your belt.


Iffykindofguy t1_j7n8015 wrote

You are 100% right about being forced to work to live in America, its some bullshit. The rest, I'd maybe consult with family on. Your brain might be giving you some trouble today or maybe you're just having a bad moment, either way if you have anyone you can reach out to, now is a good time! Have a good evening


Iffykindofguy t1_j7fr0o8 wrote

You're applying costs in a real world to costs in an imaginary one, why would no other tech improve in this hypothetical universe? Anywhoodles you can see a case for governments providing older recycled units to the poor and elderly for general caretaking as a safety net. Its not unreasonable to see them, in a society that has advanced to the point they can make these robots at scale that work well, cheap and is widely available at the lower end of quality.


Iffykindofguy t1_j73v4k0 wrote

Usually but we are working on that. If the GOP wins all three next cycle its over though. Why would they give themselves a worse deal than their populace? Who said they would? Dont do that, its so embarrassing when people don't have a reasonable response so they have to pretend like the other persons acting extreme. They can retain their wealth and spend a little bit of it to keep the masses from turning on them. You are delusional if you think land matters more than the wealth the 1% controls right now. Short of total world wide societal collapse those days are gone.


Iffykindofguy t1_j73coj0 wrote

This isnt a book, it wouldnt be one side against the other. It would be mass chaos and violence, there isn't a unified "one percent" acting as a unit. Theyre also all out to kill each other as well. It just makes more sense to pay people off then burn everything. The amount of money these people has is staggering.