Iffykindofguy t1_j9f523w wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in How good the US will be for living in future for those who will be earning decent?? by [deleted]
You are living in a fantasy world. You need to get in touch with reality.
Iffykindofguy t1_j9f5036 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in How good the US will be for living in future for those who will be earning decent?? by [deleted]
Liar liar liar liar liar this bothsides bullshit is just right wing propaganda to keep you useless.
Iffykindofguy t1_j9f4xid wrote
Reply to How good the US will be for living in future for those who will be earning decent?? by [deleted]
Too early to tell. If the GOP wins all three in the next election cycle dont come here if youre not a straight white financial christian
Iffykindofguy t1_j9f4mpi wrote
Reply to comment by handbanana84 in Would you play a videogame with AI advanced enough that the NPCs truly felt fear and pain when shot at? Why or why not? by MultiverseOfSanity
Based off what?
Iffykindofguy t1_j9f3s2n wrote
Reply to comment by handbanana84 in Would you play a videogame with AI advanced enough that the NPCs truly felt fear and pain when shot at? Why or why not? by MultiverseOfSanity
its not impossible but it seems unlikely
Iffykindofguy t1_j9f3h03 wrote
Reply to comment by AeternusDoleo in What about the jobs ChatGPT could create? by Ok-Cartoonist5349
theyre not evil, theyre just victims. They cant offer any resistance to corporate overlords. Nothing personal so check your feelings at the door.
Iffykindofguy t1_j9f3fj6 wrote
Reply to comment by DungeonsAndDradis in Would you play a videogame with AI advanced enough that the NPCs truly felt fear and pain when shot at? Why or why not? by MultiverseOfSanity
I wouldnt play an extreme bdsm simulator (as the dom, id be the sub)
Iffykindofguy t1_j9ddm05 wrote
Reply to Does anyone else have unrelenting hope for the technological singularity because they’ve lost faith in everything else? by bablebooee
I have not lost faith in humanity but if youre not actively involved in politics (which most people do not have the privilege of being able to do so) it can be hard to see any good in us, ironic as that may be. Helps me to see the people doing the good work 24/7 even if I can only chip in once a month. Get involved in your local community and expect nothing in return and youll probably have that faith restored over time. It takes time though.
Anyways I do hope that something changes in a big way because I dont see how our current form of existence, capitalist vs oligarchs (aka openly evil capitalists) can be sustained
Iffykindofguy t1_j9ckhcg wrote
Reply to Would you play a videogame with AI advanced enough that the NPCs truly felt fear and pain when shot at? Why or why not? by MultiverseOfSanity
It would make the games horrible. I play videogames for the fantasy.
Iffykindofguy t1_j9bq1y8 wrote
Its bigger than ever fam youre just not paying attention
Iffykindofguy t1_j9bkjb8 wrote
Reply to comment by bubbleofelephant in Relevant Dune Quote by johnnyjfrank
We already have that
Iffykindofguy t1_j9bg8gg wrote
Reply to Relevant Dune Quote by johnnyjfrank
Ill take a machine master over Elon, thanks.
Iffykindofguy t1_j9b17m3 wrote
Reply to comment by reidlos1624 in What about the jobs ChatGPT could create? by Ok-Cartoonist5349
The way I said it would? Its been 38 minutes. Were at the start of it right now.
Iffykindofguy t1_j9b10xr wrote
Reply to comment by YoghurtDull1466 in What about the jobs ChatGPT could create? by Ok-Cartoonist5349
Youre confusing not being able to read your attempt at a joke via text with no context as to your personality with our ability to communicate as a whole.
Iffykindofguy t1_j9avebr wrote
Reply to comment by reidlos1624 in What about the jobs ChatGPT could create? by Ok-Cartoonist5349
No, there is huge reason to panic on jobs. We already have no protections and the cuts have begun and they will not stop. If the GOP takes over all three in the next american election, there will never be protections. People like to say "yeah we went from 10 to 5 jobs but another two popped up!" okay that was the industrial revolution, now were going from 5 jobs down to 1.
Iffykindofguy t1_j9av6nt wrote
Reply to comment by YoghurtDull1466 in What about the jobs ChatGPT could create? by Ok-Cartoonist5349
We're getting better at it. Also thats a terrible metric. Thats grading on what your school describes as communications which could be anything from corporate bullshit to more legit stuff.
Iffykindofguy t1_j9anqbs wrote
Crime is caused by unchecked mental illness/trauma and desperation. If the AI can manage those, it can manage crime
Iffykindofguy t1_j9an407 wrote
Reply to comment by YoghurtDull1466 in What about the jobs ChatGPT could create? by Ok-Cartoonist5349
I did. As the AI's get better at understanding human communication, less and less "engineering" will be required
Iffykindofguy t1_j9ako19 wrote
Reply to “If the metaverse were a real revolution, it would already have happened!” Interesting video by Polytechnique insights by DeCastroRodriguez
If facebook's metaverse was a revolution yes. If the idea of a metaverse were to happen, no.
Iffykindofguy t1_j9aijvk wrote
Delusional propaganda. Almost all of those "jobs" it creates will be consumed within a few years by machine learning improvements.
Iffykindofguy t1_j93ufu8 wrote
Reply to comment by BigZaddyZ3 in I am a young teenager, and I have just learned about the concept of reaching singularity. What is the point of living anymore when this happens. by FriendlyDetective319
We all do it yes, my point is how you communicate it is the problem. It does come off as a certainty that your word is law.
Iffykindofguy t1_j936bg5 wrote
Reply to comment by BigZaddyZ3 in I am a young teenager, and I have just learned about the concept of reaching singularity. What is the point of living anymore when this happens. by FriendlyDetective319
Its funny because I dont think we actually disagree that much Im just annoyed by how certain you seem to think these things will be
Iffykindofguy t1_j91isdm wrote
Reply to comment by BigZaddyZ3 in I am a young teenager, and I have just learned about the concept of reaching singularity. What is the point of living anymore when this happens. by FriendlyDetective319
Iffykindofguy t1_j903mrg wrote
Reply to comment by BigZaddyZ3 in I am a young teenager, and I have just learned about the concept of reaching singularity. What is the point of living anymore when this happens. by FriendlyDetective319
Please provide this ample evidence by experts explicitly stating that post scarcity would occur before a singularity by requirement.
Iffykindofguy t1_j9ffv86 wrote
Reply to comment by TulpagenicUNISS in How good the US will be for living in future for those who will be earning decent?? by [deleted]
I agree, dems and republicans prior to the mid 2010s were the same party. But the democrats are being taken over at the local level and at least pretend at the federal. Republicans will turn us into a christian theocracy, democrats want universal healthcare - maybe. You're the one trying to get internet points here boy, stay in your lane or start bringing facts.