Iffykindofguy t1_jacswbn wrote
Reply to comment by undefined7196 in Either we're past the great filter, or ASI IS the great filter by Shoddy-Motor
Uhhhhhhhhhh what assertations have you backed up? You are making huge claims about the entirety of humanity and just stating them as if theyre fact and then ignoring everything I say and screaming that Im not doing the same. Poverty leads to crime because of a whole host of reasons. Our instincts dont lead to any of that, our society forces our hand to those options currently unless you're lucky enough to have been taught otherwise. If poverty was all it took to get to crime we would have hundreds of thousands of murders each day. You come across as someone who read some "facts" in middle school that disturbed them and never bothred to learn anymore.
Iffykindofguy t1_jacsi7b wrote
Reply to Digital Molecular Assemblers: What synthetic media/generative AI actually represents, and where I think it's going | Even now, people misunderstand just how transformative generative AI really is. Those who do understand, however, are too caught up in techno-idealism to see the likely ground truth by Yuli-Ban
It should be ban worthy to post these links to shitty random blogs of experts claiming to see what were all missing.
Iffykindofguy t1_jacs6oc wrote
Reply to comment by DropApprehensive3079 in Racial stereotypes vary in digital interactions: Study shows racial stereotypes of Black AI can lead to more positive outcomes in negotiations by universityofga
What do you mean? They're talking about from the user perspective which "race" the avatar of the AI appears to be. I do find this study suspect tho
Iffykindofguy t1_jacqv8o wrote
Reply to comment by undefined7196 in Either we're past the great filter, or ASI IS the great filter by Shoddy-Motor
What? Some of us have. Just because were still struggling with it doesnt mean we wont get over it, though if the gop takes over in the next election cycle well be set back 100 years. We are not capable of space travel right now in the sense you're discussing you silly little goose. Unless I missed us being able to get people past the moon? Did I?
Iffykindofguy t1_jabcaf5 wrote
Reply to comment by undefined7196 in Either we're past the great filter, or ASI IS the great filter by Shoddy-Motor
So youre just relying on a species never growing past its base instincts yet somehow becoming capable of space travel?
Iffykindofguy t1_jab606b wrote
Reply to comment by undefined7196 in Either we're past the great filter, or ASI IS the great filter by Shoddy-Motor
How so? You ask that before deciding all potential intelligent life MUST have come out the same exact way you think yours did. Its way too self-referential
Iffykindofguy t1_jab35g7 wrote
If youre not playing games to relax/enjoy them theres no reason to play them. That being said you need to give your brain and body downtime from work or other stressors so make sure youre replacing games with something else.
Iffykindofguy t1_jab1684 wrote
Reply to comment by undefined7196 in Either we're past the great filter, or ASI IS the great filter by Shoddy-Motor
this is such a shortsighted way of viewing things in a universe that is older than your brain can comprehend
Iffykindofguy t1_ja9m91z wrote
Reply to The XIXth and the XXIIth century: about the ambient pessimism predicting a future of inequality and aristocratic power for the elites arising from the singularity by FomalhautCalliclea
History doesnt repeat itself anywhere near as much as the desperate old men trying to make sense of things like to believe.
Iffykindofguy t1_ja970x6 wrote
LMAO people still think this way? I thought it was a fox news parody. HURR DURR YALL ARE LAZY IM GOOD
Iffykindofguy t1_ja84joh wrote
Reply to comment by ImproveOurWorld in What technology can we expect 200 years from now in the year 2223? by AdorableBackground83
manipulating physics in the game world
Iffykindofguy t1_ja4l72r wrote
Reply to comment by roleparadise in So what should we do? by googoobah
Who the fuck are you to talk for this person lmao
Iffykindofguy t1_ja4bpzg wrote
Reply to comment by roleparadise in So what should we do? by googoobah
I am not going to the opposite extreme. I never said anything about giving away all your wealth or not having a job. What the fuck are you ranting about lol
Iffykindofguy t1_ja3x4u9 wrote
Reply to comment by googoobah in So what should we do? by googoobah
Well, money gives you security so you're not dumb for wanting to focus on it but part of that is propaganda. If you want happiness get a job that gives you enough to provide for your needs and look elsewhere for the emotional/intellectual security. Focus on your community? Raise a family? Teach yourself useful things? Get a hobby? The best chance you have of making it through whatevers coming is by having a strong sense of connection to a community (if available to you, its not always) and by having the emotional resiliency to not crack under changes or not getting your way. No one knows whats coming. If you put all your eggs in the cash basket eventually you will crack.
Iffykindofguy t1_ja3p375 wrote
Reply to comment by Outside_Function_726 in Their future is AI, not ours. by [deleted]
This is illogical
Iffykindofguy t1_ja3ok3t wrote
Reply to comment by googoobah in So what should we do? by googoobah
its actually really really bad advice. Its telling you to dedicate your life to a hollow goal that is designed to suck you dry of your resources.
Iffykindofguy t1_ja3ohe8 wrote
Reply to comment by just-a-dreamer- in So what should we do? by googoobah
This is just buying into a system that will never accept you. This is sort of boot licking complacency is why the ultra rich get away with what they do. You will NEVER command a big share of the "economic pie floating around"
Iffykindofguy t1_ja23w5f wrote
Reply to AI is accelerating the loss of individuality in the same way that mass production and consumerism replaced craftsmanship and originality in the 20th century. But perhaps there’s a silver lining. by SpinCharm
There was nothing more "original" about people before today.
Iffykindofguy t1_j9vzcng wrote
Reply to Hurtling Toward Extinction by MistakeNotOk6203
another of these huh
Iffykindofguy t1_j9vcntx wrote
You know the fermi paradox isnt like some naturally occurring laws right?
Iffykindofguy t1_j9ue0za wrote
Reply to comment by strongaifuturist in The Sentient Search Engine? How ChatGPT’s Insane Conversation Reveals the Limits and Potential of Large Language Models by strongaifuturist
right so what limitations? You think thats the limit? It wont be worked on and improved?
Iffykindofguy t1_j9u5jv2 wrote
Reply to comment by strongaifuturist in The Sentient Search Engine? How ChatGPT’s Insane Conversation Reveals the Limits and Potential of Large Language Models by strongaifuturist
What limitations?
Iffykindofguy t1_j9u4npw wrote
Iffykindofguy t1_j9ttnpd wrote
Reply to comment by strongaifuturist in The Sentient Search Engine? How ChatGPT’s Insane Conversation Reveals the Limits and Potential of Large Language Models by strongaifuturist
No I mean meaning its the first attempt at that scale. First crack at it. We have no clue what the limitations of these things are.
Iffykindofguy t1_jactqtw wrote
Reply to comment by undefined7196 in Either we're past the great filter, or ASI IS the great filter by Shoddy-Motor
Literally every human ever who didnt kill someone when they got angry enough to? Or every human ever who didnt steal something because they were slightly hungry in that moment.
I mean its like talking to a 6th grader.