
Iffykindofguy t1_je6lnbm wrote

I dont see why we would lose our interest in each other just because we can make our own stuff. I am smarter and funnier than 99% of people but I still hire staff for my jobs so that I have people to bounce ideas off of because everything is better done as a unit. Community is the only way humans even count. Individually were less relevant than sand.


Iffykindofguy t1_je6ie5g wrote

I lost interest in farcry after 3 but I really enjoyed 6 for some reason. You have to get the little heli that lets you fly around faster ASAP otherwise it gets annoying but its the only one Ive enjoyed. I tried so hard to like 5 and it just felt so repetitive


Iffykindofguy t1_je5wjub wrote

Reply to comment by voreteks in Dude, Where’s My Future? by [deleted]

Well when that concept is a lie used to keep you from realizing how your community is being robbed...


And I agree were not arguing, youre so far out of your depth you should be thanking me for even bothering.


Iffykindofguy t1_je5har4 wrote

Holy fuck you have to be fucking kidding me with this shit:


Bottom line: It is now cool to publicly be against getting more of what you value with fewer and fewer resources. For many, productivity has become a bad word from bad people (wealthy people) from a bad system (capitalism).

Not only are we having a backlash against productivity, but the productivity paradox is also almost completely hidden from day-to-day conversation or news…



How can someone so stupid and simplistic be shared? His entire argument boils down to "haters gone hate" I hate simps like you. The passive cucks who let the ruling class rape and pilage the world on the false dream that you may one day be one of them.


Iffykindofguy t1_je5h60r wrote

To summarize: We have this unprecedented 50x rise in manual work productivity between 1870 and 1970. Then, at the exact time you’d expect things to have another 50x boost because of the computer revolution, things start slowing down.

Republicans. Republicans happened. They threw out carters fridge and exon decided to abandon all green research and double down on PR actions and lobbying and thats all she wrote.