Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6lfzd4 wrote
Reply to comment by Similar_Joke_5500 in Best guitar solo? by Similar_Joke_5500
Oh wow, I just wrote it itt.
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6lft0n wrote
Reply to comment by 2ControversialIGo in Best guitar solo? by Similar_Joke_5500
Over on y.t.
BB King : Three O'Clock Blues
Contributor : Lazyfingers61
Its solo is what that Page fellow has been trying to say all this time!
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6leeyq wrote
Reply to comment by 2ControversialIGo in Best guitar solo? by Similar_Joke_5500
Yup. Saw him with Bobby in early 1983. Sacramento.
Rock on.
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6ldxzl wrote
Reply to comment by Similar_Joke_5500 in Best guitar solo? by Similar_Joke_5500
On mobile, so can't link. If I list its artist, title, and contributor name, will you give it a listen?
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6ldqr6 wrote
Reply to comment by 2ControversialIGo in Best guitar solo? by Similar_Joke_5500
That'd be Robbie Blunt.
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6kihde wrote
Reply to comment by Swampwizzard232 in Is Elon trying to be “relatable” by just clowning? He just posted this lol by WolfLordEdvard
This is richness which must be addressed.
I'll cut & paste select blurbs from this / our ongoing thread, scribble a brief as to its 'reddit-casual' context, and send to Chris Carter, creator of the X-Files series, letting him know that within 7 to ten days I can then link him a second draft rough of a script for his approval.
Thanks for the primer.
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6k3uri wrote
Reply to comment by wellendowedfuckstick in Is Elon trying to be “relatable” by just clowning? He just posted this lol by WolfLordEdvard
Ya know, we could kick around some logo designs, some press release copy, even knock-out an invitational vidclip for their first established status -- showcasing say in a kiosk next to a dispensary or two over in Colorado.
Mile High's The Limit^^^TM
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6ju81n wrote
Reply to comment by wellendowedfuckstick in Is Elon trying to be “relatable” by just clowning? He just posted this lol by WolfLordEdvard
> they can hold a bake sale for Ukraine war budget
Thank you for this. Getting started on a recipe to patent and sell to a government agency. I'll name it (the) Government Brownie.
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6g46fc wrote
Reply to comment by rondonjon in The most captivating instruments to listen to by Novel_Ice_7772
Yup, captured a sound which somehow defined a spell for some time.
Allow me further mention as per the TRUTH album, in calling back also to Ron Wood that he, all of 21, was handpicked by Jeff to play bass on it.
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6fummz wrote
Reply to comment by rondonjon in The most captivating instruments to listen to by Novel_Ice_7772
I believe it's JPJ also on the "Ol' Man River" keyboard taping found on Jeff Beck's astronomically important TRUTH album.
And certainly on bass on Donovan's "Season Of The Witch" along with Page on guitar, as they accompanied much of Donovan's sessions.
Oh and yes, Monkey Man is still somewhere amid my all-time top 10 from the band. No question.
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6fth1n wrote
Reply to comment by Goldteamrules64 in The most captivating instruments to listen to by Novel_Ice_7772
And That's All For Everyone.
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6frjv1 wrote
Reply to comment by Goldteamrules64 in The most captivating instruments to listen to by Novel_Ice_7772
I'll tell you no Little Lies in that they have a song or fifty which a time or several hundred have had me Hypnotized!
I've listened to many of their songs Over And Over, whether during Storms or on days there was Love In Store.
I Don't Want To Know just how they became so remarkably gifted, because I Walk A Thin Line in believing they definitely had an Angel in their presence and you can ask any Gold Dust Woman about this, this adherence to never breaking The Chain.
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6fq570 wrote
Reply to comment by Goldteamrules64 in The most captivating instruments to listen to by Novel_Ice_7772
One of my favorite drum pieces is textbook mastery in restraint by some guy named Mick Fleetwood, evoking a most captivating magic as heard within a song titled, "Brown Eyes."
As for bass, one (among dozens) I love to introduce to impassioned listeners is in "Planet Home" by Jamiroquai.
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6fp7nu wrote
Reply to comment by rondonjon in The most captivating instruments to listen to by Novel_Ice_7772
Idr whether credits go to John Paul Jones or Jimmy Page on the recording of "Hey, Hey, What Can I Do?" but that is some proper sweet mandolin!
One of my absolute top-tier piano Me-melters is amidst "Monkey Man" -- which forever I assumed was Ian Stewart, but recently I was told was Nicky Hopkins.
Fwiw, before he became a Stone, Ron Wood played several mean mandolin with Rod Stewart and the Faces.
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6f5094 wrote
Reply to comment by Edm_vanhalen1981 in What were your favorite albums when you were 12? by notspoon
>!Well, don't let THAT get out!!<
a) nobody'd believe it and b) it'd start being expected of me
Curiously, have you visited r/Rush ?
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6f4di0 wrote
Reply to comment by Edm_vanhalen1981 in What were your favorite albums when you were 12? by notspoon
[Quick, trade-out that Rush 1980-release for one from '78.]
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6bgdet wrote
Reply to comment by the_curtain in What song have you been listening to this week? by Hoppyn
The mighty JT!!!
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6alvii wrote
Various songs from the Gipsy Kings' Tierra Gitana cd are often a playlist inclusion.
Maria Taylor's "One For The Shareholders" is a sultry listen.
"If I Lost You" from Garbage is another with heavy play.
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j5qk95j wrote
Truly, one of the funniest books I've ever read (four times cover to cover, no less) is technically 'a novel', but for its most part reads like an autobio. This, coming from an almost entirely nonfiction kinda reader.
John Kenney was a copywriter in a NY ad agency for something like a decade-plus, as well as having contributed to The New Yorker magazine some smart-humored content to boot.
Turns out, his Truth In Advertising (released 2013?) is a terrific three-night read loaded with heartfelt legitimacy, snark-filled approaches in thought and dialogue, plus it effuses a most pleasant feel of pacing.
In fact, he himself cameos for a few seconds in the book's little three-minute intro over on y.t. titled (keywords) Focus Group Truth In Advertising John Kenney.
Hope you find it as engaging as I do!
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j2fjbs3 wrote
Distinctly-personalized constructs of paranoia.
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j2e2qko wrote
Reply to comment by ambitionlessguy in Thanking you in advance by Sweaty_Sandwich-05
You tell 'em!!!
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j2e2mwz wrote
Reply to Thanking you in advance by Sweaty_Sandwich-05
> your's
SEE r/apostrophegore
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j1shtfo wrote
Reply to Songs to fall asleep to by HoldDork
Jens Buchert: Melange Electrique, Sofalounge
Stereolab: Fluorescence, Vortical Phonotheque
Soma Sonic: Crazy Moon
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j1ke0ny wrote
Reply to comment by mubydram in Your top 5 favorite rock songs from the 2000s? by VioletZ9
Fwiw...I trust you've had the exquisite joy in watching the terrificness that is 2008's film, It Might Get Loud?
Ihadsumthin4this t1_j6lgo7o wrote
Reply to comment by 2ControversialIGo in Best guitar solo? by Similar_Joke_5500
I'm a bit partial to the version as we hear in the Zeppelin movie. As far as that song. Well, and a couple others, too.
Jeez. Don't let me start on Page and Richards and their ilk. I'm such a blues purist, it's annoying even to me. For sake of decorum (read: love of humanity / common decency) I'll spare everyone before this becomes me pontificating in essays of opinion.